Hello. I'm Adrian. I'm currently Inspector in [TC] CityDriving Team and Supervisor in Training Team.
-=-= My history on [TC] servers =-=-
15.01.2016 - Joined [TC] for the first time
25.03.2017 - Passed Basic Police Training at first attempt
20.07.2017 - Got accepted as Recruit in [TC] CityDriving Team
09.08.2017 - Passed recruitment period, promoted to Constable on probation
22.08.2017 - Promoted to Constable
31.10.2017 - Promoted to Inspector
21.11.2017 - Invited into Training Team as an Assistant
04.03.2018 - Promoted to temporary role of Chief Constable in Training
27.03.2018 - Passed Assistant period in Training Team, promoted to full Trainer
19.05.2018 - Completed CCiT period, step back into Inspector rank
17.07.2018 - Promoted to Senior Trainer in Training Team
31.07.2018 - Promoted to Supervisor in [TC] CityDriving Team
25.12.2018 - Promoted to Supervisor in Training Team
21.11.2022 - Stepped down to Inspector in [TC] CityDriving Team
05.12.2022 - Left the Training Team