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[TC] Forum Rules
These rules must be followed at all times. Violations will cause you get increased forum warning level, suspended posting privileges or forum ban.
1.0 General Rules
2.0 Posting
3.0 Administration Section
4.0 Reporting Rule-Breakers
1. --- General Rules ---
1.1. Multiple accounts per individual are not permitted.
1.2. Respect other users. Personal attacks are not tolerated.
1.3. Use proper language at all times. Swearing, insults, racism, abuse and otherwise offensive language is not tolerated.
1.4. Use English language only.
1.5. Signatures should be no larger than 500px (width) * 160px (height).
2. --- Posting ---
2.1. Do not post illegal, inappropriate or explicit material or links to websites that include such material.
2.2. Do not post provocative, outrageous, or pointless messages.
2.3. Do not post in capital letters only. You may use them when it's grammatically correct, but do not overuse them.
2.4. Do not post private messages without permission of the sender and other participants.
2.5. Do not post in threads which have had no new replies in the last 30 days.
2.6. Any posts made within a thread must be made in response to the topic of the first post or a post sometime in the thread.
2.7. All thread subjects have to be descriptive about what they contain.
2.8. Post in the correct section. Please try and make sure that your threads fit into the section they are posted in.
3. --- Administration Section ---
3.1. Read all important threads before creating a new thread. They can be found on top of the section.
3.2. Only admins and users involved - including people who can supply evidence which may alter the outcome of the case - may post in threads within the Server Administration Tasks forum and its sub-forums.
4. --- Reporting Rule-Breakers ---
If you see something that breaks the rules stated above, please report it. This is a better option than responding, which bumps the thread.
At the bottom-right corner of every post, there's a report button - . It will take you to an entry box where you can describe the problem with the post. That will notify our moderators.
Important: The report feature is intended to be used on posts that break the rules, not to report posts that you disagree with. Abuse of the system will carry consequences.
~ [TC] Management