[TC] Lotto - Christmas 2022 - Ash - 2022-12-11 15:55
Welcome to the [TC] CityDriving Lotto Christmas 2022!
This event's jackpot is an estimated €275,000!
How do I play?
This year's Christmas Lottery Draw is based upon the UK's National Lottery 'Lotto Bonus Ball', which is 1 'ball' randomly selected from a selection of 59 'balls' numbered 1 - 59. On Saturday 24th December 2022, the National Lottery will be aired live on TV in the UK where the Bonus Ball will be drawn during the 19:45 Adverts on channel ITV1.
Between the date of this post and Thursday 22nd December 2022 at 6PM (GMT), players are limited to purchase only 1 ticket to ensure everyone who wants to, has a chance to purchase and join in. After that point and up until 5PM GMT on Saturday 24th December 2022, players may purchase additional tickets on a first come, first serve basis.
Raffle Codes
A Raffle Code may be also purchased alongside your ticket which will produce a randomly generated alphanumeric code which will be entered into a prize draw on the same evening where all Raffle Codes will be entered into a random selector. The prize fund for the winner is an estimated €75,000. Raffle Codes must be purchased with a Bonus Ball number ticket.
Ticket Prices
- Single Bonus Ball (€5,000)
- Single Bonus Ball with a Raffle Code (€7,000)
- Ensure you have read the Terms and Conditions further down this post
- Select an available bonus ball from the list of numbers further down in this thread - Please note, this list will not always be 100% up to date, please check the 'Last Updated' time and cross reference to replies within this thread after the most recent update.
- Send an Insim Bank Transfer payment to 'RacerAsh3' - Any monies sent via !send will not count as valid entries.
- The Bank features can be accessed via the 'Home Menu' in any [TC] CityDriving Server
- You can access the Home Menu when in a safe zone or in spectator mode.
- The Recipient is RacerAsh3
- For a Ticket without a raffle code, you must send €5,000 with a 'Reference' of "TC Lotto Ticket"
- For a Ticket with a Raffle Code, you must send €7,000 with a 'Reference' of "TC Lotto Ticket & Raffle Code"
- Reply to this thread with (Replace XX with your chosen number, or 'Lucky Dip' to have an available number randomly selected):
Quote:Chosen Bonus Ball: XX - Raffle Ticket: Yes/No
Confirmation of purchase and (if applicable) your Raffle Code number will be placed within your original post. A copy is kept within a database to ensure selections and codes are not edited accidentally.
Please Note:
- Estimated jackpot values are based upon predicted ticket sales. The jackpot value may increase or decrease against what is advertised.
- There can only one winner for a Bonus Ball prize and one winner for a Raffle Code prize.
- The Bonus Ball winner and the Raffle Code prize winner may well be the same player.
- Selected Bonus Ball numbers cannot be guaranteed until successful completion of funds transfer and as such will be treated on a first choose - first paid basis.
- Prize money will be transferred to the winner(s) no later than Tuesday 27th December 2022.
- Refunds are not possible.
- Any reference to monetary values are in relation to [TC] CityDriving's Insim Currency and has no reflection against any real-world currency or value.
- Raffle Codes may only be purchased along with a Bonus Ball Ticket.
- It is your responsibility to ensure your selection has been processed correctly.
- You may not alter your selection after it has been processed.
- The Raffle Code prize will be selected at random using an online generator (http://www.randomresult.com/) - Once all tickets have been purchased, this tool will be populated with all Raffle Codes and scheduled to run in the evening of Saturday 24th December 2022.
- Ticket purchases are made on a first come, first serve basis after payment has been made.
- If your chosen number is not available, you will automatically be assigned the closest available number to your original selection.
These Terms & Conditions are subject to change without notice at any given time.
Available Numbers (0 tickets remaining)
Last updated: 24/12/2022 14:16:09
1 - rauno002
2 - verke
3 - misterviin
4 - kentwolf
5 - RacerAsh3
6 - m52b28
7 - kyle-caz
8 - kanade
9 - mbt
10 - rremus
11 - erko987
12 - kiwie
13 - misterviin
14 - Rascar13
15 - sergey29
16 - J--
17 - notraii
18 - muratcan2370
19 - smallhail741
20 - latvian video
21 - nathan818
22 - pusicdrift
23 - chriship
24 - moaty673
25 - viktors3232
26 - gaaz
27 - bmw93
28 - klbbadd2002
29 - viller r
30 - superlame
31 - aubreywalsh
32 - patryk1967
33 - timdecnodder
34 - CRC Titan2000
35 - x t
36 - ibtasim6781
37 - speeddemonn
38 - xtremesp33d
39 - pcpaultje2
40 - sweatformystyle
41 - enesaky1
42 - mrdomas
43 - mrblazefist
44 - Garypants
45 - chucknorris
46 - denkanplays
47 - ibtasim6781
48 - j4me510
49 - kr4d3c7f2
50 - menticek
51 - theponczek
52 - servet_zngl
53 - a l e e x
54 - huskii
55 - Some0ne
56 - kolosch
57 - ibtasim6781
58 - DJmad
59 - minivan
RE: [TC] Lotto - Christmas 2022 - Kyle - 2022-12-11 15:59
Chosen Bonus Ball: 07 - Raffle Ticket: Yes
Action Taken by: Ash
Bonus Ball #7 purchase confirmed.
Raffle Code LVVMZTLG7I generated.
RE: [TC] Lotto - Christmas 2022 - Ash - 2022-12-11 16:03
Chosen Bonus Ball: 05 - Raffle Ticket: Yes
Action Taken by: Ash
Bonus Ball #5 purchase confirmed.
Raffle Code 0E6RZ6AVBQ generated.
RE: [TC] Lotto - Christmas 2022 - Ras - 2022-12-11 16:12
Chosen Bonus Ball: 14 - Raffle Ticket: Yes
Action Taken by: Ash
Bonus Ball #14 purchase confirmed.
Raffle Code 6XTVCJ6ZLV generated.
RE: [TC] Lotto - Christmas 2022 - A c e - 2022-12-11 16:13
Chosen Bonus Ball: 22 - Raffle Ticket: Yes
Action Taken by: Ash
Bonus Ball #22 purchase confirmed.
Raffle Code F87Q4JHSAJ generated.
RE: [TC] Lotto - Christmas 2022 - doriftomanma'g - 2022-12-11 16:33
Chosen Bonus Ball: 43 - Raffle Ticket: Yes
Action Taken by: Ash
Bonus Ball #43 purchase confirmed.
Raffle Code N912IQC2FJ generated.
RE: [TC] Lotto - Christmas 2022 - Ephwurd - 2022-12-11 16:37
Chosen Bonus Ball: 10 - Raffle Ticket: Yes
Action Taken by: Ash
Bonus Ball #10 purchase confirmed.
Raffle Code KO6SH230G9 generated.
RE: [TC] Lotto - Christmas 2022 - Speed Demon - 2022-12-11 16:42
Chosen Bonus Ball: 37 - Raffle Ticket: Yes
Action Taken by: Ash
Bonus Ball #37 purchase confirmed.
Raffle Code DYUWHLEOHC generated.
RE: [TC] Lotto - Christmas 2022 - Petsu - 2022-12-11 17:01
Chosen Bonus Ball: 02 - Raffle Ticket: Yes
Action Taken by: Ash
Bonus Ball #2 purchase confirmed.
Raffle Code A3H6EQ82NS generated.
RE: [TC] Lotto - Christmas 2022 - Nathan - 2022-12-11 17:13
Chosen Bonus Ball: 21 - Raffle Ticket: Yes
Action Taken by: Ash
Bonus Ball #21 purchase confirmed.
Raffle Code ZY3VECM8GV generated.
RE: [TC] Lotto - Christmas 2022 - Kiwie - 2022-12-11 17:13
Chosen Bonus Ball: 12 - Raffle Ticket: Yes
Action Taken by: Ash
Bonus Ball #12 purchase confirmed.
Raffle Code FQFN23U0F8 generated.
RE: [TC] Lotto - Christmas 2022 - Tupex - 2022-12-11 20:04
Chosen Bonus Ball: 27 - Raffle Ticket: Yes
Action Taken by: Ash
Bonus Ball #27 purchase confirmed.
Raffle Code 9MF6JVFZ0P generated.
RE: [TC] Lotto - Christmas 2022 - hsTurbo - 2022-12-11 21:18
Chosen Bonus Ball: 30 - Raffle Ticket: Yes
Action Taken by: Ash
Bonus Ball #30 purchase confirmed.
Raffle Code CXZ47NSJY2 generated.
RE: [TC] Lotto - Christmas 2022 - Carl - 2022-12-11 21:27
Chosen Bonus Ball: Lucky dip - Raffle Ticket: Yes
Action Taken by: Ash
Bonus Ball #44 purchase confirmed.
Raffle Code G1YKNE2Z6V generated.
RE: [TC] Lotto - Christmas 2022 - sezski - 2022-12-12 00:31
Chosen Bonus Ball:Lucky dip - Raffle Ticket: Yes
Action Taken by: Ash
Bonus Ball #58 purchase confirmed.
Raffle Code QTHC9YD9CV generated.
RE: [TC] Lotto - Christmas 2022 - ThePonczeK - 2022-12-12 00:31
Chosen Bonus Ball: 51 - Raffle Ticket: Yes
Action Taken by: Ash
Bonus Ball #51 purchase confirmed.
Raffle Code X4SAPA3C63 generated.
RE: [TC] Lotto - Christmas 2022 - Erko987 - 2022-12-12 02:12
Chosen Bonus Ball: 11 - Raffle Ticket: Yes
Action Taken by: Ash
Bonus Ball #11 purchase confirmed.
Raffle Code SHIDEAEW1R generated.
RE: [TC] Lotto - Christmas 2022 - muratcan2370 - 2022-12-12 04:55
Chosen Bonus Ball: 18 - Raffle Ticket: Yes
Action Taken by: Ash
Bonus Ball #18 purchase confirmed.
Raffle Code PPRN82O5ZN generated.
RE: [TC] Lotto - Christmas 2022 - pcpaultje2 - 2022-12-12 17:17
Chosen Bonus Ball: 39 - Raffle Ticket: Yes
Action Taken by: Ash
Bonus Ball #39 purchase confirmed.
Raffle Code 4CYAC19RM2 generated.
RE: [TC] Lotto - Christmas 2022 - TAZxx - 2022-12-12 19:27
Chosen Bonus Ball: 19 - Raffle Ticket: Yes
Action Taken by: Ash
Bonus Ball #19 purchase confirmed.
Raffle Code SVRBCR40J5 generated.