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RedLine Spring Cup: [signup: CLOSED] - Printable Version

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RedLine Spring Cup: [signup: CLOSED] - Marty_Deslions - 2024-03-31 19:32

[Image: 6609b948f15b3-RLSC_logo_with_flags.png]

Arrrr7b and welcome to the RedLine Spring Cup 2024!

The RedLine Spring Cup (RLSP in short) is a clean racing event, with a wide variety of cars and tracks. There will be 10 short races, varied from stock car racing, rallycross, openwheel racing, and more. For each race, players use the cars provided, but they may use any setup they like for those cars. With each race, racers can earn points.

This thread is meant for people interested to signup for the event. This thread will also give you more information and details about the event. If you have any other questions about the event, please do NOT post them here, but rather on the "Date Picker & Discussion" thread I posted earlier: https://forum.city-driving.co.uk/showthread.php?tid=37746

Date & time:
The RedLine Sping Cup will be held on Saturday the 13th of April 2024. The tournament will start around 20:00 (CEST), and will be held on a private server. A password shall be given to participants via personal discord messages. Make sure you have me added as friend, and introduce yourself with your LFS username there. This way I can send you the password personally before the event starts. My Discord username is marty_deslions. If you have NOT received the password 6 hours before the event, please contact me.

Participant requirements & rules:
- You must follow the signup instructions, which can be read below.
- Once you've optained the password for the server, you may NOT share this password with anyone. If another person wishes to join, let him/her contact me (marty_deslions) directly.
- In the lobby before the races you are prohibited from removing other players from the Start Grid.
- When ingame, voting for a race to restart or end is NOT allowed. The admin(s) will decide when a race starts, restarts, or ends.
- You need to show good sportsmanship.
- You need to endorse clean racing rules: https://en.lfsmanual.net/wiki/Rules_of_Clean_Racing
- Ramming, crashing on purpose, and/or sabotaging your opponents or anything related to the event is NOT tolerated.
- You must respect other participants.
- You must submit and respect the organiser(s)/admin(s) of the event. They have the final say.
- Cheating/hacking in any way or form is forbidden.
- You are only allowed to drive yourself. No replacement driver, no AI.
- Racism, cursing, insultsing, inappropriate/sexual talk, or anything like that is forbidden.

If you do not comply with these rules, you may get disqualified.

Signing up:

The signup is CLOSED.

It is no longer possible to sign up for this event.

Points system & prize pool:
After each race, the racers will recieve points based on the position in which they finish. There are 15 participants, so the person who finishes 1st in a race wins 15 points, the person who finishes 2nd wins 14 points, and so on. If a person does not make it to the finish (or doesn't finish within reasonable time) will get a DNF status, and that person will get no points for that race. If you get disqualified by LFS, you will also get zero points for that race. After all 10 races, all the points will get add up, and the final ranking will determine your final position.
Your entry fee will be added to the prize pool, as well as a royal gift of 20k from our sponsors Badkapp62 and OGDave. This will all be added to the prize pool. The higher your position in the final ranking will be, the more prize money you will receive at the end of the event.

Here's a breakdown of the total prize pool among the 15 finishing positions:

1: 8000€
2: 5000€
3: 3500€
4: 2600€
5: 2000€
6: 1500€
7: 1200€
8: 950€
9: 800€
10: 650€
11: 500€
12: 400€
13: 300€
14: 200€
15: 100€
DNF/disqualified: 0€

In case of a draw:
If after the 10 races two (or more) players will end up with a draw, by having the same number of points as another player, they can take part in race number 11: The extra race. This race will ONLY be for those who ended up in a draw. For example: Let's say two people ended both with in final position 4 with both 37 points. These two can then race to one another. Then the outcome of this extra race will determine who will end up at number 4, and who will be number 5. In case one of them does not want to participate in this extra race, he automaticly loses this extra race, and the win for this extra race automatically goes to the player who did not withdraw from it.

RedLine Spring Cup race schedule:

Rockingham, National, 3 laps

Blackwood, GP Track REV, 3 laps

Fern Bay, Rallycross REV, 4 laps

Kyoto Ring, National REV, 3 laps

Westhill, International REV, 3 laps


Fern Bay, Gold, 3 laps

Blackwood, Rallycross REV, 4 laps

Kyoto Ring, GP Long, 2 laps

South City, City Long REV, 3 laps

Aston, Grand Prix REV, 3 laps


11 (Extra race, in case of a draw)
Westhill, National, 3 laps

Please ONLY reply to this thread with your signup details!

If you have NOT received the password 6 hours before the event, please contact me personally on Discord.

If you wish to talk or ask questions, please do so in the other thread: https://forum.city-driving.co.uk/showthread.php?tid=37746

[Image: 6609ea53447a6-sponsorssss.png]

Disclaimer: Nothing mentioned in this post and the actual event confers any rights to individuals or entities. There could be mistakes in anything of the thread related to this event. No rights can be derived from it. All valuta mentioned in this post are not real life euro's, but TC euro's. The organization of the event, the RedLine team, the RedLine Spring Cup, RLSC, or any (user)names mentioned in this threadpost are in no way meant to suggest being part of the organization behind TC Gaming, TC CityDriving, and TC Racing. Participating in this event and the races is at your own risk. Paying the entry fee of 500 € TC money is at your own risk. If the transaction fails, for whatever reason, you have no guarantee to get a refund, eventhough you may appeal for a refund. Overpaying the entry fee is not appreciated. Every participant must pay for themselves, from the LFS account which they will also use when participating in the actual event. If you signed up and paid the entry fee, but you wish to withdraw from the event, you can make a request for this via Discord direct messaging. However, there is no 100% guarantee that you will get a refund. This can especially the case if you make this request within the 48 hour period before the event, when the signup is closed. If you physically or mentally do not feel well, or you need medical attention, please stop playing, and contact a licensed medical professional. Other than that, people who participate of this event should adhere to common sense in racing and they should adhere to the basic LFS rules for clean racing such as can be read on https://en.lfsmanual.net/wiki/Rules_of_Clean_Racing , however the organizers reserve the right to deviate from this, because the organizers will have the final say. In case of any conflict or argument regarding the signing up, the actual event, the scoring, or anything closely related to this, the organizers have the final say. Organizers hold the right to cancel or change anything related to the event without giving notice. Organizers hold the right to disqualify, kick, ban, or put players into spectator mode. Organizers hold the right to start, restart, or end races. If players feel like they have been cheated on during the event, they can write a report/complaint, including with evidence such as an MPR. They can then send this complaint to a personal message on Discord to either marty_deslions or burpdisease_vevo. This must be done in max 8 hours after the event is finished. Even if those players choose to do so, that does still not give them automatically any right to anything. Also, this race event is designed for entertainment purposes only. Any actions performed within the event or within the game, such as driving very fast and racing in general, should not be replicated in real life. When you are out on the public roads, always adhere to traffic laws, wear your seatbelt, and prioritize safety on the road. Batteries not included.

RE: RedLine Spring Cup: [ signup: OPEN ] - TheStigUSA - 2024-03-31 19:54

Signing up:

-> Ingame nickname: RedLine Sbeve
-> LFS World nickname: thestigusa
-> Screenshots:

RE: RedLine Spring Cup: [ signup: OPEN ] - menticek - 2024-03-31 20:15

Usual Nickname: SO•Mxnt[L]
LFS World Username: menticek
Proof of payment:

RE: RedLine Spring Cup: [ signup: OPEN ] - Marty_Deslions - 2024-03-31 21:02

(2024-03-31 19:54)TheStigUSA Wrote:  thestigusa
Registration completed, payment verified.

(2024-03-31 20:15)Plainrock127 Wrote:  menticek
Registration completed, payment verified.

RE: RedLine Spring Cup: [signup: OPEN] - ThePonczeK - 2024-04-01 00:46

- Ingame nickname: [RDSR] Ponczek
- LFS World nickname: theponczek
[Image: 77gbOM2.png]

RE: RedLine Spring Cup: [signup: OPEN] - Felipe Jardim - 2024-04-01 01:13

Ingame nickname: Badkapp's father
LFSW Username: [od]jardim
[Image: proof.jpg]

RE: RedLine Spring Cup: [signup: OPEN] - Dz0fps - 2024-04-01 07:12

- Ingame nickname: [PACT] Driver
- LFS World nickname: Dz0fps
[Image: 660a5e14c53fb-hg.PNG]

RE: RedLine Spring Cup: [signup: OPEN] - sakopl1 - 2024-04-01 07:52

- Ingame nickname: [KTS]'Sakowskyy
- LFS World nickname: sakopl1

RE: RedLine Spring Cup: [signup: OPEN] - ogdave - 2024-04-01 09:58

Ingame nickname: RedノDave
LFS World username: ogdave
[Image: r3IF45O.png]

RE: RedLine Spring Cup: [signup: OPEN] - Marty_Deslions - 2024-04-01 11:38

(2024-04-01 00:46)ThePonczeK Wrote:  theponczek
Registration completed, payment verified.

(2024-04-01 01:13)Felipe Jardim Wrote:  [od]jardim
Registration completed, payment verified.
1 € has been refunded.

(2024-04-01 07:12)Dz0fps Wrote:  Dz0fps
Registration completed, payment verified.
4500 € has been refunded.

(2024-04-01 07:52)sakopl1 Wrote:  sakopl1
Registration completed, payment verified.

(2024-04-01 09:58)ogdave Wrote:  ogdave
Registration completed, payment verified.

RE: RedLine Spring Cup: [signup: OPEN] - Gunther Steiner - 2024-04-01 18:02

Usual Nickname: Red Steiner
LFS World Username: gunther steiner
Proof of payment: https://www.imgdumper.nl/uploads9/660af68f604dc/660af68f6048c-payment.JPG

RE: RedLine Spring Cup: [signup: OPEN] - Marty_Deslions - 2024-04-01 23:02

(2024-04-01 18:02)Gunther Steiner Wrote:  gunther steiner
Registration completed, payment verified.

RE: RedLine Spring Cup: [signup: OPEN] - Yasso7up - 2024-04-04 19:15

- Ingame nickname: [PACT] tBug
- LFS World nickname: yasso7up

[Image: image.png?ex=66217190&is=660efc9...a&]

RE: RedLine Spring Cup: [signup: OPEN] - Marty_Deslions - 2024-04-04 19:56

(2024-04-04 19:15)Yasso7up Wrote:  yasso7up
Registration completed, payment verified.

RE: RedLine Spring Cup: [signup: OPEN] - Biomeri - 2024-04-07 11:05

LFS Nickname: RedノBiomeri
LFS World Username: Biomeri
[Image: 66127d6a1b2f1-Screenshot_2024-04-07_130045.png]

RE: RedLine Spring Cup: [signup: OPEN] - Marty_Deslions - 2024-04-07 11:20

(2024-04-07 11:05)Biomeri Wrote:  Biomeri
Registration completed, payment verified.

RE: RedLine Spring Cup: [signup: OPEN] - CCTV - 2024-04-08 10:09

Ingame nickname: Red/CCTV
LFSW Username: CGTYKSY55

RE: RedLine Spring Cup: [signup: OPEN] - Marty_Deslions - 2024-04-08 10:13

(2024-04-08 10:09)CGTYKSY55 Wrote:  CGTYKSY55
Registration completed, payment verified*.

*: You send the fee to my wallet while I was online. Luckely I saw it when I looked back in the chat, otherwise I would not be able to verify this payment in TC World.

RE: RedLine Spring Cup: [signup: OPEN] - Hrone - 2024-04-09 11:24

Ingame nickname: aa kitty
LFSW Username hrone

money has been sent

RE: RedLine Spring Cup: [signup: OPEN] - Marty_Deslions - 2024-04-09 11:28

(2024-04-09 11:24)Hrone Wrote:  hrone
Registration completed, payment verified.