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[Rejected] VCU ROLE - Printable Version

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RE: VCU ROLE - Shino - 2019-03-26 01:18

(2019-03-26 01:12)Adorable Wrote:  
(2019-03-25 23:59)Adorable Wrote:  TL;DR: being a [TC] is prestigious in the eyes of many, should [TC]s gain exclusive access to improved roles that the above average regular player can do?

I can't see how I am 'shitting' on your service.

Just leave the community already

RE: VCU ROLE - Dracula - 2019-03-26 01:25

Adorable Wrote:I can't see how I am 'shitting' on your service.

Adorable Wrote:Great analogy, but people nowadays only like to hear what they like, so I'm fine with that, I've never come close to insulting your server, your staff or anyone else, this what I've observed and if you're not happy with what I'm saying then there's not much I can do about that

This is exactly it. You'll shit on our services as I said, and then when you get questioned on it (or in this case, you finally seemed to have crossed a line with people) you pretend that it has nothing to do with anything you've said, it must just be everybody else's fault, not yours. Saying you've never come close to insulting our staff, services, and community is in complete contradiction with everything else you've said in this thread and elsewhere, whether explicitly or implied.

To loop back to my question, why do you still come here when you hold such a hateful and spiteful attitude towards us?

RE: VCU ROLE - Adorable - 2019-03-26 01:37

Useless post

RE: VCU ROLE - Dracula - 2019-03-26 02:15

None of what you specifically listed is insulting, they're valid criticisms and suggestions, however:

Adorable Wrote:No, you're not doing anything special

Adorable Wrote:as I said above, your work is nothing exceptional

Adorable Wrote:The usual Bla Bla Bla.

Adorable Wrote:without any doubts it's malorganised

Adorable Wrote:You are all fuming right now, rofl

Again, I have never claimed everything here is perfect, but this is just shitting on our services (I'm using this term anyway because it is completely accurate), and this stuff is just from this thread alone, it doesn't include all the other forum reports, other server admin task threads, discussions through PM, and most importantly, your actions. You've made a name for yourself behaving and speaking like this.

You are unable to admit wrongdoing when things like this are brought to your attention, and it's the same attitude I've seen in other threads by you for things like disagreements in game. It's showing right now, in that you are unable to even admit you've been insulting and rude towards members of our team. I don't even mean to insult you, but this is just truthfully what you are like. Do you truly believe you've said nothing wrong and everyone is just replying to you about this for the sake of wasting a few hours?

I don't think any of us want you or anyone else to say we're doing 'special' work, but you quite clearly have no appreciation whatsoever for the effort we do put in, which is why I continue to ask why you come here despite your attitude and spitefulness towards us. You're unable to critique us without throwing in a terrible attitude and sense of hatred. I don't believe you whatsoever when you say you don't hold an attitude towards us or the server, so I guess that's where this discussion (argument really) comes to an end. It's kind of depressing really, I remember speaking to you years ago about coding or something and you were really friendly, I don't know what happened.

RE: VCU ROLE - Adorable - 2019-03-26 02:53

Useless post

RE: VCU ROLE - TAZxx - 2019-03-26 03:51

(2019-03-25 23:59)Adorable Wrote:  
(2019-03-25 22:45)Sadie Wrote:  The TC-CD (administrators) members puts in a lot of work into administrating the server

The usual Bla Bla Bla.

What you or your team do is review reports or unban requests, which is meant to be a fun task doing nothing but giving your opinion, collaborating and typing on the keyboard or even better copying templates.

No, you're not doing anything special, the only special, accurate and most correct 'input' (not work) usually comes from Chuck, Pete, Elmo and BP. They are the real deal having organized the heart of your server, your forum, events and insim application, and some affiliate teams whose qualities are slowly regressing.

This, right here is you basically saying you don't think we do a good job and our job at enforcing the standards are not harsh...

Please, explain to me what you do EVERY time an admin takes action against you? You try and belittle us, tell us that we're doing our job wrong and complain for hours upon end wasting our time when we could be dealing with other issues...

(2019-03-26 00:33)Ras Wrote:  Remove us off earth for a day and you'll quickly find that you are very wrong in what you're saying, Ad.

As Ras very politely said, remove us and all hell will break loose, we put in stupidly crazy hours FOR FREE dealing with rule-breakers, questions, forum reports ETC just to have people like you think they're better than everyone and argue every single little thing we do. I'd like to see you take up a whole hour in some cases where we have to deal with a person in-game, work out what action to take, deal with drama on the side, take our administrative action then write it all up for other admins to see...

The people here work stupidly hard with an ever declining LFS community where people like you only make matters worse by screaming and shouting because you disagree.

(2019-03-26 01:12)Adorable Wrote:  
(2019-03-25 23:59)Adorable Wrote:  TL;DR: being a [TC] is prestigious in the eyes of many, should [TC]s gain exclusive access to improved roles that the above average regular player can do?

I can't see how I am 'shitting' on your service.

It's simple. You take everything we do and attempt to make us think we're wrong... We come on the server because we care about the community... I joined [TC] personally because I wanted to help make the servers a better place, but when there's blithering buffoons like you who come into the mix and scream their little brain off because you don't like what we do, it's demotivating and an absolute pain in the arse.


We put a lot of time in (FOR FREE), whether it be on the servers or behind the scenes... We don't need cock-wombles like you coming in and telling us how to do our *Removed* jobs. Fix your life up pal, if you don't like what you're seeing here, then why not go elsewhere on LFS, oh wait... We're popular for a reason, because we know what we're *Removed* doing... So please, back yourself into the hole you came from and shut your god damn mouth.

(2019-03-26 01:12)Renegade Wrote:  
(2019-03-26 01:12)Adorable Wrote:  
(2019-03-25 23:59)Adorable Wrote:  TL;DR: being a [TC] is prestigious in the eyes of many, should [TC]s gain exclusive access to improved roles that the above average regular player can do?

I can't see how I am 'shitting' on your service.

You exist.

Not to come across as offensive, maybe your mind will actually be able to process what I'm about to say... Actually no yeah, I'll say it in simple terms, hopefully you can understand.

Renegade made the point loud and clear, we don't appreciate people like you who have *Removed* all better to do than be an absolute asshole for no *Removed* reason. Just, go away.

RE: VCU ROLE - Dracula - 2019-03-26 04:11

Adorable Wrote:Okay, you are right, I do have a flawed character as opposed to all of you, I'm born in the south, English is not my native language and attitudes differ from a place to another, I can assure we would have gone a different road had we been talking this vocally and not each of us formulating his response over 1/2 an hour.

Answering your question, yes, some of what I said shouldn't have been said, it's a big pity you took this as attacks however.

Let me be clear Dracula, I'm a nobody but a passenger, I strongly believe in communication which is why I talk freely about a bunch of things, my job is analyzing data and coming up with conclusions, I try to present ideas and when they're wrong I correct myself. Somewhere around this year marks almost 6 years with [TC] and you can't deny that I do not appreciate any of what you all do, I make suggestions, regardless of all of that I still maintain a positive attitude even with the guy that kept on insulting me throughout this thread on the server and in other occasions in the past events. The friendly attitude is still there although not very apparent in this specific thread.

I wish you all only the best, good night

Everyone is a flawed character in one way or another. I've more than likely been an ass to you before when I shouldn't have, I'm not innocent myself. I've also seen enough during my time here to know language can definitely come into play and warp how things are perceived. It is still very hard to not take some of the things you say as an insult however, when they are perfectly laid out like one, or when they are legitimate criticism laced with insults, whether it's intentional or not.

Throw that in the mix with a group of people who put lots of their own free time into helping maintain this place, and you're not exactly going to get lots of constructive, upbeat replies with that approach. It also gives you a terrible look, because you're doing this all while still taxing our resources to play and take up a slot.

I truly hope something changes from all of this, and I also wish you the best. Good night

RE: VCU ROLE - Sadie - 2019-03-26 07:19

Suggestion rejected, closing thread as it's no longer on topic.