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Parking Ticket suggestion - Printable Version

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RE: Parking Ticket suggestion - Elmo - 2012-08-03 03:05

The idle kick is there to prevent people who aren't actively using the server from stopping others from doing so. That's why it's only active when there are at least 25 players online. If the server is quiet, there's no limit to how long you can idle - there's no point kicking you if you're not preventing anyone else from joining.

The idle time can be extended by a limited amount, because people with decent trips probably deserve a slightly longer break occasionally (we all have to eat). I see no reason at all to extend the idle time any more than it already is, even if people pay for it. If you want a longer idle time, earn it by maintaining a trip.

Just to pre-empt a common similar suggestion: no, we're not going to open more slots to allow people to idle in spectate mode - that just moves the queue of people trying to join to inside the server instead of out and doesn't actually solve anything.

RE: Parking Ticket suggestion - Tommer - 2012-08-03 03:26

I'm against the idea.

(2012-08-03 03:05)Elmo Wrote:  If you want a longer idle time, earn it by maintaining a trip.

Elmo has the right idea. Our current system encourages safe responsible driving and rewards you for not crashing.

The server gets regularily full as is and the idle timer is a real life saver in terms of giving everyone a fair oppurtunity to enter the server.


My suggestion

When a cop issues an illegal parking ticket to an afk driver, it appears on there window that they were fined and when by who until they click on the box to close it - The current way of doing it has the chance that the suspect won't even know they were fined.

RE: Parking Ticket suggestion - Pete - 2012-08-10 00:02

I like the effort you've put into this suggestion but I'm against the idea for a couple of reasons:

- LTC have a similar system which means 75% of the server is filled with people who are AFK
- The spaces taken up by people who are out walking the dog or watching the telly could be given to those who want to drive.