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Wrong Way Autobahn - Printable Version

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RE: Wrong Way Autobahn - Orangeā„¢ - 2013-03-24 14:04

(2013-03-24 12:28)TypeR Wrote:  Hey

10.1. Kyoto (KY*)
10.1.1. Driving wrong way on the Autobahn is strictly forbidden. Even during chases.

I think its not only this track the have this problem....

I dont understand why this track or better only the Autobahn have this strickt rules...... every other track have fast Speedlimits to.

At the most Tracks you can drive with 200 or more... the other guy in front of you have 200 kmh to.....thats a 400 kmh crash if he not see you.

Everbody the drive on the wrong side..... can become a report if he do a accident and he was reportet.

Not each on the wrong side drives caused immediately a crash.

1 or 2 days ago I crashed on the Autobahn. I was flying and slidding on the wrong side....... result...i was spected for wrong way on Autobahn.... and i lost my 130 km.

I see no difference if a Racer or Cop drive on wrong side on a other Track or on the Autobahn on this Track.

The result is the same one. Everybody is able and should be able to drive on the wrong side..... whether now the police of Suspect or a Sunday driver is. He should follow himself, in any case, him be aware if it is a crash sometimes.

Sorry for my english

Greatings Alex

Well this is the only track to have an autobahn. Even with a speed limit people still speed on it.

Problem being the autobahn is kinder closed off where if you go wrongside on other tracks you can go from left to right pretty easy. Autobahn has long barriers that go right around with only few gaps to turn into other streets.

I know many area's have "spec if go wrong side" but there's so many area's that need to be fixed.

RE: Wrong Way Autobahn - Cobra - 2013-03-24 16:10

(2013-03-24 13:21)KaraK Wrote:  
(2013-03-24 13:01)TypeR Wrote:  
(2013-03-24 12:41)KaraK Wrote:  
(2013-03-24 12:28)TypeR Wrote:  *snip*

The autobahn has dangerous corners, and only a few gaps to change lanes.
Besides that, you can easily speed over 200kph for almost the whole Autobahn. In a chase, it is very easy to lose the cops when you go wrongside and turn around, as it takes forever to go all the way around.
So yes, only Kyoto needs this strict rule.

Yes but.... if the rule deleted...the cops have no problem to catch the suspect.... or better to follow him...

But then again they would all probably cause crashes all over the Autobahn. As said, "you can easily speed over 200kph for almost the whole Autobahn", and the Autobahn has dangerous, (somewhat blind) corners to wrongside in. You are almost certain to cause a crash when wrongsiding on the Autobahn.

hmm yes....true..... now i have no answer .... good shot Wink

RE: Wrong Way Autobahn - Elmo - 2013-03-26 03:43

The wrong way checkers are there for safety, not to stop people braking the rules.

AFAIK, they're placed in the most dangerous parts, particularly on blind bends, to hopefully prevent people who are on the wrong side there for whatever reason from causing a massive crash.

On the whole, the reason why they're not placed more comprehensively is so that people who find themselves on the wrong side from no fault of their own don't get spec'd when they don't need to.