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RE: Autobahn Suspects - Luke - 2013-10-20 00:31

I played around a bit and this was probably the simplest and safest idea that i could come up with.
Its basic and easy to spot out when approaching it. It is small but its just a rough sketch prittey much, its only like any other part of the AB when performing a U-Turn, you would have to check the map obviously.

[Image: lfs_00000007_zps7df5233a.png]

[Image: lfs_00000005_zpscd54136f.png]

[Image: lfs_00000006_zps82b58def.png]

This just gives cops that easier approach to catch up to the suspect on the opposite side, as we all no its a pain and theirs not much you can do insim related.

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Dan - 2013-10-20 11:20

I think the problem with that Luke is the lack of objects. Already, Kyoto is the/one of the largest maps, of which I believe they already struggle to create a productive layout with 900 objects as well as add the other features e.g. cops having the ability to !rb.

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Luke - 2013-10-20 11:31

Yeah i did find that a problem when creating this actually, as it did end up maxing the object limit.

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Savy - 2013-10-20 12:00

Do you honestly think having people u-turn on the fastest corner on the autobahn is going to be problem free? I personally would prefer to have a chase stopped on this corner than to have someone trying to u-turn here lol

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Luke - 2013-10-20 12:14

I didn't think it will be problem free but i do think there is an alternative Smile

It is only really suitable for making a u-turn in the direction i showed in the image, because of the pit slipway on the bottom of the corner.

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Jimmy - 2013-10-20 12:29

If there is a chase there i think people can get starting to wrong side there to.

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Luke - 2013-10-20 12:47

Be a bit stupid for people to do that as its quite easy to screenshot it and report it.

But i suppose it is a possibility, then again it is only a brief idea. Not expecting this to get used, its just an example of what sort of things you could to.

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Sadie - 2013-10-20 13:32

(2013-10-20 12:29)Jimmy Wrote:  If there is a chase there i think people can get starting to wrong side there to.
They get auto spec if they do it on AB.

RE: Autobahn Suspects - B!ll - 2013-10-20 15:39

If u take this think as cop in chase u must like it but lets think as "normal" driver who drive over speed limit. U will see sirens on screen but u know they are coming from front so u dont care and keeping your speed but when suspect will do U turn here u cant react right as speeding driver and problem is on world... (we all know 3/5 peoples ignoring sirens and other signs all times)

Iam not for this idea. Can cause more problems than enjoying of driving...

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Cobra - 2013-10-20 15:45

Actually, I would find the idea also good. Actually.

If was not there the speed which is driven there.

One can keep an eye impossibly always on his map with these speeds.

According to view in one goes. If one sees only relatively late if there somebody turns around in the other direction to go.

This would give some accidents more than so already.

Edit.: What is if you crash on the Autobahn..... open place for uturn is open place for a spinning car that lose controll. Result auto spec for driving on wrong side and maybe a ban

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Jimmy - 2013-10-20 16:00

(2013-10-20 13:32)Adrian Wrote:  
(2013-10-20 12:29)Jimmy Wrote:  If there is a chase there i think people can get starting to wrong side there to.
They get auto spec if they do it on AB.

I meant there he had opens at ab place on pictures there will they not be spected.

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Chuck - 2013-10-20 16:08

I don't see that gonna happen, simply because of the giant downsides.
However, the chase system could be improved to work better in such situations, but if a cop goes down the wrong way, rather than waiting for the suspect to show up, then the cop is simply pursuing the wrong tactic.

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Pipa - 2013-10-20 16:09

My biggest problem with it would be that civilians would use it, which brings serveral problems most mentioned above.

Especially when the other side is not clear, the car will be stuck in the fast lane waiting to make it's turn. Just not realistic nor sensible imo.

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Luke - 2013-10-20 16:57

I do agree with all that has been said, but it would be nice if something could be done soon possibly for the next time we use this track.
For example maybe add a JOIN timer on the system so you must be within 100m of the suspect for the timer to initiate and once the timer reaches to 45 Seconds it then switches to Chase mode. This just gives more of an opportunity if the suspect passes on the opposite side of the road.

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Dan - 2013-10-26 14:55

Here's a prime example of the problem advised in the OP:


If you set the replay to 1:18:15 I am still in join mode in a chase with Lcee. Continue watching and you will see SO•Lcee (the suspect) passes on the left hand side and I go straight into chase mode - there is no other way to obviously catch up other than going to the armco and doing a u-turn.

So, can the time chase mode is initiated please be increased, so you have to be within X metres of the suspect for X seconds before chase mode initiated?

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Connor - 2013-10-26 17:07

Hmmm, that's seem like a logical idea. But wouldn't this mean that say you join the chase but when you get there, the car is just about to busted and you're still waiting for the chase to be initiated for yourself. This obviously won't happen often but when it does, it may annoy some people.

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Luke - 2013-10-27 15:04

That could be solved too though, For example: When suspect is 50m, 50m in range timer counts down to 10 seconds, once the 10 seconds Is up, chase mode initiates, but, if suspect is busted when stationary (within 50m, 50m) cops within the distance are part of the chase meaning they still get rewarded. If you understand?

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Dan - 2014-06-03 16:12

Slight different to the initial post, but to do with the Autobahn and Kyoto. Once again, Kyoto is live and there are non-stop people breaking the server rules, continuously wrong siding on the Autobahn. I'm loosing money and my statistics are going down, yet every time this happens nothing ever gets done about it in terms of changes towards the InSim...

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Connor - 2014-06-03 16:16

I thought this idea was pretty good, unless it's been implemented already, I don't know why it didn't take effect.

RE: Autobahn Suspects - Luke - 2014-06-03 16:56

I don't like my own idea looking back at it haha.. I wasn't even in TT... pff.

But it would be nice if something similar could be implemented.