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What annoys YOU in everyday life - Printable Version

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RE: What annoys YOU in everyday life - Ras - 2011-11-12 19:08

(2011-11-12 18:42)Tommi Wrote:  Lack of hours in one day....

RE: What annoys YOU in everyday life - Audiojack - 2011-11-12 19:15

(2011-11-12 19:01)Malibu Wrote:  That's what many hetero's say, but even if they like you, they have the right to find out if it's from both sides, just like any other human. And if you're bothered, don't go outside.

True. I wouldn't consider just asking or something as offensive or harassing, but when someone instantly pretty much tries to grab your crotch, it is reeally disturbing to me.

(This thread isn't about my sexual orientation or women/men so if you really want to discuss this, then PM or start a new thread or something..)

RE: What annoys YOU in everyday life - GKA - 2011-11-12 19:34

What annoys me? Hoo boy, you're opening up a can of worm there Tongue

Mainly pet peeves, but they annoy me anyways, so in no particular order:
-People who spend 10 minutes in line and right when it's their turn, start thinking about what to get. (Although I do appreciate those who let me go first)
-People who don't properly telegraph where they're going when walking. Seriously, why start moving to the right hand side of the sidewalk when no one else is there, only to go cut off onto the path that branches off to the left?
-People who go to slow and oblivious to those around them, blocking everyone else, both when walking and driving.
-People who stop right in the middle of the path when walking.
-People who use only one door of a double door. Been many times where I just barged my way through the crowd coming out, open the other door, and watch the bottleneck disappear.
-Impatient people.
-Obnoxious people
-People who put their blinker on, I leave space so they can merge in, only for them to not merge in front and decide to cut off the car in front, or behind me.
-People who are trying to merge in yet don't go when someone stops to let them in, even when they've been inching forward to get in.
-People who yield to let others go first, even though they're the only car that we all have to wait for. If we were gonna go once you passed anyways, why bother stopping?
-Also, those who yield to let others in when there's already swift moving heavy traffic. (I've almost got caught in a pileup due to this)
-Stores never having what they say they have in stock.
-People who cut in line, and call you out when you assert your spot.
-People who get mad when you (politely) point out their mistakes.
-People who care only for themselves
-People who give you those chain letters/messages/tagged thingys, even if you stated you don't want them.
-Religious people who force their religion on you, despite having said you're not religious.
-Black people who call people racist every time someone calls them out on something. (For the record, I'm not racist, I'm personist!)
-People who stereotype based on what they've been told. (but it is fun to watch them shut up after tossing a stereotype their way)
-People who play music way too loud on their iPod/whatever.
-Leg jigglers(even if I am one myself lol)
-People who have unreasonable expectations
-Hypocrites (although everyone's a hypocrite at times, heh)
-Undercutters in any MMORPG with an in-game marketplace. (not the 1 cent/dollar/whatever kind. The kind that undercuts by about 50% of the real value)
-Stupid and worthless laws.
-People who take forever to learn a change in routine
-People who get mad because you have a camera out, in a public place, and think you are recording them...
-People who speed up when you try to pass.
-People who say to call them at this time, or when whatever is finished, but you call like 5 times in a row without an answer. Then, hours later, get a call from them wondering why you didn't call...
-Updates to stuff that completely reset the settings.
-People "fixing" things that didn't need to be fixed in the first place.
-People who think they're tech-savy, but don't even know the basics.
-People who mess with your stuff without saying so, making you spend ages looking for something.
-Life not having a search function >_>

That's not even half of it, these are just off the top of my head o.o

RE: What annoys YOU in everyday life - KaraK - 2011-11-12 19:37

(2011-11-12 19:34)GKA Wrote:  -Life not having a search function >_>


RE: What annoys YOU in everyday life - K evin - 2011-11-12 19:47

School and my sister - she sings the whole time like a *CENSORED*

RE: What annoys YOU in everyday life - ZsoLT - 2011-11-12 21:11


RE: What annoys YOU in everyday life - Tommer - 2011-11-12 21:53


(msg to short)

RE: What annoys YOU in everyday life - Adampower - 2011-11-12 22:45

Blue light chasers.
Drivers who panic when they see a motorbike in their mirror, then do something stupid

RE: What annoys YOU in everyday life - Stevo - 2011-11-12 23:50

(2011-11-12 09:28)Ash Wrote:  Stevo, you realise there are laws against finishing late and starting early? You are fully entitled to an 11 hour rest period between work.

After searching on internet I found it was 8 hours between shifts? If it's 11 hours then damn ama get some info on that

Edit: actually your right, but confronting the managers i dont want to make a fuss and lose my job/respect over it as other receptionist who do these hours have never brought it to their attention

RE: What annoys YOU in everyday life - James - 2011-11-13 02:07

(2011-11-12 23:50)Stevo Wrote:  
(2011-11-12 09:28)Ash Wrote:  Stevo, you realise there are laws against finishing late and starting early? You are fully entitled to an 11 hour rest period between work.

After searching on internet I found it was 8 hours between shifts? If it's 11 hours then damn ama get some info on that

Edit: actually your right, but confronting the managers i dont want to make a fuss and lose my job/respect over it as other receptionist who do these hours have never brought it to their attention

They probably found it/past people have found it and havent confronted them over it. If the managers cant handle it then take it higher up the chain if you want to. Especially if they bully you over it. It would not be right if they abuse their position.

Not getting paid the right amount. I am now owed for 2 nights of overtime that my boss didnt pay AND he underpaid me, im supposed to get £35 at least, each night and I only got paid £30 for each night I worked. In total I got £112. Wish I could beat the money out of him v.v

RE: What annoys YOU in everyday life - Street - 2011-11-13 17:34

Keep copies of timesheets, rotas and payslips and check them all at the end of each month to make sure every thing adds up Wink

Things that annoy me...
Tutors telling the class that we have presentations spread over 2 weeks, and then not telling us when we're doing ours so I crap myself prepping for tomorrow when I could potentially have another week to work on it
Annoying customers
Rude customers
Impatient customers
Customers who come down all at once (about 80) for breakfast then complain that it's taking a while to serve them all.
Ignorant customers
Customers who have the cheek to snap their fingers to get your attention

I too work in a hotel (literally doing everything bar reception and cooking)

Btw, I do actually really like my job cause the people I work with are great, but half the time I could quite happily just ignore half the people who come to the hotel.

RE: What annoys YOU in everyday life - Fujioshi - 2011-11-13 18:11

to long to fit in a tight parking space.

RE: What annoys YOU in everyday life - Saphira - 2011-11-13 18:28

My staff calling me on my days off and asking the most stupidist of questions and not thinking for themselves, can get rather annoying to say the least..

my phone ringing and seeing it is the works number AGAIN

going bk to work from 2 days of to find alot of mistakes have happened that could of been avoided if they had stepped back and assessed the situation before dealing with it..

Saphira Cursing

RE: What annoys YOU in everyday life - Jon - 2011-11-13 18:46

Rude People, that's all. Manners cost nothing Wink

RE: What annoys YOU in everyday life - McGherkin - 2011-11-13 19:16

People who spit, swear excessively, treat women like they're meat, shout at passers by, get so drunk they forget their own names, claim that they have rights when they cannot look after their responsibilities, people who even think of the words *Removed* the police, people who steal, people who beat up pensioners, all of whom give people my age a bad name, something which I have to deal with the consequences of daily.

Oh, and people who seem to think that a 600cc bike can carry:
5 people including the rider
as much luggage as my clio can carry
and still go faster than the clio.
and that the 50cc moped they drive at the moment has any advantage over my car.

RE: What annoys YOU in everyday life - Zipppy - 2011-11-13 20:12

I have many annoyances in real life, here's a few.

- Some genres of music, Pop and gangster Rap especially. Dubstep gets annoying after a while too (the drops get annoying).

- People who swear at me for no damn reason, using swear words while talking normally is okay, but not directed towards me for no reason.

- People who insist too much (my mom especially, but I have to deal with it, she's my mom)

- People who don't move when I ring my bicycle's bell on bike paths, and blame me for not ringing it.

- Jerk-off drivers cutting other drivers off.

- Careless drivers (speeding around a turn with a stop sign without stopping for example, exactly what some idiotic driver did 2 years back, around the corner by my house, almost flipped the car, or could have caused a crash if cars were coming.)

- When I'm having a bad day

- When one of my bike's tires gets a flat (I feel like I'm cursed..) I got my New bicycle in May, and within 2 weeks, I got a puncture, and I had to walk it a long distance, and patch it up.

RE: What annoys YOU in everyday life - Malibu - 2011-11-13 23:28

It's all about the drops LOL.

RE: What annoys YOU in everyday life - KennyAE86 - 2011-11-17 02:22

People that scream at you when THEY ran the damn stop sign...
People that cut you off just to drive under the speed limit (Gets my brights, one of my brights are higher than the other and aims into normal cars mirrors Smile)
People that get out the car without looking if there is a car passing.
People that put their brights on when they have one headlight working and they're lazy to change it...
People that don't move after u flash them and they're on the left doing the limit (Gets my brights as well.)
People that scream and nod their head for no damn reason.
People that tailgate me for doing the speed limit.
Bikers with no reflectors all over the road at night.
Volkswagen drivers that assume I want a race because I drive a honda... (Stupid GTi drivers, smoked a couple cuz they cant drive)
People that just walk out in the road even though it says don't walk...
People that talk crap about me because I drive a honda whilst they have no car.
People that park SO damn close that I can't get out of the spot.

RE: What annoys YOU in everyday life - Cas - 2011-11-17 14:39

I am quite a relaxed person in everyday life. You can annoy me in traffic if you are really trying to, but other than that - I don't get annoyed that easily.

I prefer to focus on what I enjoy in everyday life other than what annoys me.

RE: What annoys YOU in everyday life - Klurax - 2011-11-17 16:10

People that talks to me in the morning when i am trying to eat/wake up.
People that makes unnecessary noises-
People that makes unnecessary movements to irritate others without even think about it because they are stupid as hell.

Other then that, not much.