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- Report - speed12161 (Archived by Snake) - Printable Version

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- Report - speed12161 (Archived by Snake) - Edwin - 2014-01-02 18:21

● Your LFS Username: edwintsang

● Their LFS Username(s): speed12161
● Their LFS GameName(s): SpeeD

● Replay and/or Screenshot Link: http://uploadir.com/uploads/otyafg1i/downloads/new
● Replay Timestamps:
29.14 - When it started from the PIT.
29.28 - When I got flipped
● Description of incident (inc Date & Time)
I was copping with a UF1 and I backed up on a FZ5. Daniel and I went for a box, this user tried to get out of the box by excessively reversing into my car. He succeeded in doing this but there was adequate room for him to get out of the box but he carried on reversing into me which made me flip onto my side; no apologies were made and it made me lose the chase. He then denied it was his fault, consequently I made this report.
More evidence I can provide is a screenshot of the room he had but decided to reverse into me more:
Clearly see there was enough room to get out but it looks like his main aim is to flip me over as he carries on reversing as seen on the bottom right of the picture.

RE: Report - speed12161 - speed12161 - 2014-01-02 18:31

Okay i was Driving Normal then i drift Dan decide to chase me after 20 minutes of chase Dan call for backup Edwin respond to the backup its not my fault that he's using a UF1 that even the winds can flip it then you can see that almost at the end of the chase edwin decide to try to box behind me and i didn't even noticed when i """"Hit he's car as you can see there was even space between our cars http://uploadir.com/uploads/kytjx8by/downloads/new there is the all replay of this chase and then because he flip he's UF1 start accusing me and i want you guys to take consequences against him its a chase its not driving perfect and in real car you don't put small car to box a truck .

I want to add something else if you can see my car front left tyre was wound i cant even turn then he's saying that i have room to turn i didnt my car cant even turn thats why i that that last corner slow then i feel that i was rammed but i let it go you can see the replay and judge by your self.

RE: Report - speed12161 - Edwin - 2014-01-02 18:53

Yes I was in an UF1, doesn't change the fact that you rammed me to flip me over. I know UF1's are easy to flip over, I'm not bothered about that, I'm bothered about the way you flipped me over - by full acceleration. You could have easily got out of the box by going by putting it into gear 1 and full lock left even if you had a damaged car as Daniel only covered the tiniest bit of your front. You decided you want to flip me over therefore reversing into me fully.

I understand no chases are perfect, but breaking rules in a chase is going to another level and you can't really compare a game to a real life situation; obviously you wouldn't put a small car to box a truck but this is a game and you're meant to have fun and troll sometimes maybe but breaking rules is no where near fun, especially if you lose a chase by someone rammning you.

The statement that you have made about your car can't turn is just utter pathetic, you were driving with that car for at least 20mins turning your car through the corners. Also, no one rammed you, you seem to think if you brake check from a pit and the cop hits your front end then it's a ram. Well it's not because cop's do not know if you're going to brake check and they don't have enough time to react as they have already committed to the PIT.

Report - speed12161 - Snake - 2014-01-02 18:54

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

RE: Report - speed12161 - speed12161 - 2014-01-02 19:08

if you check the replay Dan was in my front because he was the only one that i saw trying to box me then you pull over behind me and that happend its not my fault that u car is too easy to flip and if you check ur own image Dan was in front of me complety and if i stop there i will be busted and i didnt want that.

and that image that you upload was already when i was getting out then i didnt reverse more i keep goin by the grass as you can check on the replay so dont lie.

at the minute 35:30:50 i was clearly ramm

at the minute 30:45 :34 i was rammed again

and at the minute 32:21:39 you can see that Dan was pushing me back wasn't my fault that when i brake at 32:24:54 dan push me more to keep trying to box me and your car flip you never hit any barrier as you said in your report now i want TC to take actions against you

RE: Report - speed12161 - Edwin - 2014-01-02 19:26

Please look at the image carefully, and watch the replay properly. The image clearly shows that Dan was not fully in front of you but the tiniest bit, so you could have turned left to avoid the box but you didn't. The green bar means you are accelerating which you clearly do and somehow think I'm lying. Dan never pushed you, he was only trying to stay in front of you to box you. You seem to think he pushed you into me when the image shows your acceleration into me.

RE: Report - speed12161 - speed12161 - 2014-01-02 19:37

But i play in 1 person i dont if you were behind of me or not you can see that you just come and hit my car really hard by the back then i went to the grass and if you see the replay he was in front of me all that time that's why i back up and you ram me as well because you were trying to push me against the wall to box me but you went behind my right bumper then u end up at the back of the car i didn't noticed if i push you or not but its ur fault because you try to push me against the wall in the replay off course in the image its not going to show it because you just took it when u were behind my car but on the replay clearly shows that u were on my side trying to push me to the wall then it went wrong

RE: Report - speed12161 - Snake - 2014-01-02 20:03

Edwin Wrote:He succeeded in doing this but there was adequate room for him to get out of the box but he carried on reversing into me which made me flip onto my side

There was no space at all because Daniel blocked him in and he can't steer to the left if he's still reversing. You had quite a lot of rear suspension damage which made it easier to flip your car and the PIT you did on the FZ looks like a lag hit, what can cause you to flip too. Don't expect the suspect to be extra careful only because there's a cop in an UF1 and he was fully accelerating already before you drove behind him, he doesn't have stop only because you're trying to box him at 60kph/37mph. He didn't ram you at any point, he even stopped accelerating before Daniel boxed him in again. The UF1 flips quite easily with suspension damage, this happens a lot if the suspect is in a UF1 and the cops use heavier cars.

Speed Wrote:at the minute 35:30:50 i was clearly ramm
at the minute 30:45 :34 i was rammed again....and at the minute 32:21:39 you can see that Dan was pushing me back

I fail to see any ram there, the timestamp 35:30 shows you driving into Daniel's car and the contact Daniel made afterwards was a PIT. You should learn the difference between a PIT and a ram before you try to report every single contact between a cop and you.

Speed Wrote:i want TC to take actions against you

No action has been taken for reasons described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.