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Some photoshoppers with too much time...? - Printable Version

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Some photoshoppers with too much time...? - Jappe - 2011-12-10 13:06

Hello there Smile

I'm on the search for a nice background for my pc. I'd like to have an awesome edit of one of my LFS screenshots.

If anyone is free to do this, please tell me a site where i can upload my screenshot so it doesnt resize...

Thanks in advance!


RE: Some photoshoppers with too much time...? - McGherkin - 2011-12-10 13:18

Try Dropbox or tinypic Wink

RE: Some photoshoppers with too much time...? - MajvB - 2011-12-10 14:13

I always could give it a try Jasper.

If you could upload / send me the pics asap, I'll try to find some time.

RE: Some photoshoppers with too much time...? - Speed - 2011-12-10 14:17

upload to picture push or something , i will try Smile

RE: Some photoshoppers with too much time...? - Pipa - 2011-12-10 14:33


Just please don't upload as .bmp Tongue

RE: Some photoshoppers with too much time...? - Jappe - 2011-12-10 14:41

Currently only got 2 shots.

no i did in .jpg Biggrin

RE: Some photoshoppers with too much time...? - Weelob - 2011-12-10 15:07

I tried

RE: Some photoshoppers with too much time...? - Jappe - 2011-12-10 15:18

looking good! ty Smile

RE: Some photoshoppers with too much time...? - Roba - 2011-12-11 18:30

I gave a shot, don't judge, I'm noob with any programs Tongue (if it's bad Tongue)

Just tought of that when I saw the picture, and decided to try and do Laugh

RE: Some photoshoppers with too much time...? - Jappe - 2011-12-11 19:06

looks good Tongue

But i was more thinking in the way of: adding rims, maybe a bumper or an intercooler, rain/no rain, and stuff like that

RE: Some photoshoppers with too much time...? - KaraK - 2011-12-11 19:08

Should ask AJ for that Tongue

RE: Some photoshoppers with too much time...? - Jappe - 2011-12-11 19:11

I hope he see this Tongue

RE: Some photoshoppers with too much time...? - Roba - 2011-12-11 19:17

AJ said me one day he hasn't got time even for skinning, so.. Tongue
And I'll see if I can put something, just something simple Tongue
Nooh I will not even try Laugh