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Skype call screenshots... - Printable Version

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Skype call screenshots... - Matt - 2014-02-11 23:31

Enjoy, [TT] LuckyLuke everyone.

<attachment removed>

RE: Skype call screenshots... - Chuck - 2014-02-12 06:58

I presume you didn't ask the other for their permission to be displayed like that, so I'm going remove that. In fact it's against actual law. So, please refrain from posting personal images without the explicit permission again.

RE: Skype call screenshots... - Makee - 2014-02-12 07:44

Some people... lol

RE: Skype call screenshots... - Luke - 2014-02-12 08:53

He did have permission from me for my image Smile

Yeah if your posting an image of someone else, its a good idea to let others know if you have permision and possible a comfirmation by the user Wink

P.s this is my rage face when I loose a chase against a UF1

RE: Skype call screenshots... - Cola - 2014-02-12 13:06

This kind of thread is not material for this forum.
Thread closed