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Ferrari Interior FZ5 - Printable Version

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Ferrari Interior FZ5 - Rasmus - 2011-12-12 20:45

Hello im looking for a beige coloured Ferrari Interior for FZ5,
Kinda like this:

[Image: ferrari-enzo-interior-wheel-011.jpg]

If anyone has one, I would be very interrestet, Thank you. Smile

RE: Ferrari Interior FZ5 - Crazy - 2011-12-12 21:55

Crap, I used to have one pretty similar to that except in black and white. Don't know where it went though, but I'll surely post if I can find it.

RE: Ferrari Interior FZ5 - Rasmus - 2011-12-12 22:34

(2011-12-12 21:55)Crazy Wrote:  Crap, I used to have one pretty similar to that except in black and white. Don't know where it went though, but I'll surely post if I can find it.

Okay, Thanks. Smile

RE: Ferrari Interior FZ5 - Roba - 2011-12-13 20:30

I had that kind of interior before my LFS crashed, I re-installed it, and lost everything cause I didn't make backup copies... Sad

RE: Ferrari Interior FZ5 - Rasmus - 2011-12-13 20:49


msg to short

RE: Ferrari Interior FZ5 - Chill . - 2012-01-06 10:28

Is it ready ? Biggrin