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Logitech Profiler won't install. - Printable Version

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Logitech Profiler won't install. - Ernst - 2014-02-20 19:37

So yeah, i'm trying to install the Logitech profiler software for my new laptop, but i can't find the profiler even when it says "done installing".

I'm on win 8 64-bit

I tried running the .exe in compatible win 7 mode as administrator, still nothing.

What do?

RE: Logitech Profiler won't install. - Kille - 2014-02-21 06:36

Hello Ernst. Try to uninstall it and download this and try to install it.


RE: Logitech Profiler won't install. - Ernst - 2014-02-21 06:59

I already downloaded that 4 times, still nothing happens Sad

This pops up:

"Windows ® Installer. V 5.0.9200.16384

msiexec /Option <nødvendig parameter> [valgfri parameter]

</package | /i> <Product.msi>
Installerer eller konfigurerer et produkt
/a <Product.msi>
Administrativ installation - Installerer et produkt på netværket
/j<u|m> <Product.msi> [/t <Transformer liste>] [/g <Sprog-id>]
Annoncerer et produkt - m for alle brugere, u for aktuel bruger
</uninstall | /x> <Product.msi | ProductCode>
Fjerner produktet
Uden brugerinput, ingen indgriben fra bruger
Fuldautomatisk tilstand - kun statuslinje
Angiver brugergrænsefladeniveauet
n - Ingen brugergrænseflade
b - Grundlæggende brugergrænseflade
r - Begrænset brugergrænseflade
f - Fuld brugergrænseflade (standard)
Muligheder for genstart
Genstart ikke computeren, efter at installationen er fuldført
Anmoder om nødvendigt brugeren om at genstarte computeren
Genstart altid computeren efter installation
Muligheder for logføring
/l[i|w|e|a|r|u|c|m|o|p|v|x|+|!|*] <LogFile>
i - Statusmeddelelser
w - Ikke-alvorlige advarsler
e - Alle fejlmeddelelser
a - Start af handlinger
r - Handlingsspecifikke poster
u - Brugeranmodninger
c - Startparametre for grænsefladen
m - Oplysninger om manglende hukommelse eller afbrydelse pga. alvorlig fejl
o - Meddelelser om manglende diskplads
p - Terminalegenskaber
v - Detaljeret output
x - Ekstra fejlfindingsoplysninger
+ - Vedhæft eksisterende logfil
! - Tøm hver linje i logfilen
* - Logfør alle oplysninger undtagen mulighederne v og x
/logfør <LogFile>
Svarende til /l* <LogFile>
/update <Update1.msp>[;Update2.msp]
Anvender opdatering(er)
/uninstall <PatchCodeGuid>[;Update2.msp] /package <Product.msi | ProductCode>
Fjern opdatering(er) for et produkt
/f[p|e|c|m|s|o|d|a|u|v] <Product.msi | ProductCode>
Reparerer et produkt
p - kun hvis der mangler en fil
o - hvis der mangler en fil, eller der er installeret en ældre version (standard)
e - hvis der mangler en fil, eller der er installeret en tilsvarende eller ældre version
d - hvis der mangler en fil, eller der er installeret en anden version
c - hvis der mangler en fil, eller kontrolsummen ikke er lig med den beregnede værdi
a - tvinger alle filer til at blive geninstalleret
u - alle nødvendige brugerspecifikke poster i registreringsdatabasen (standard)
m - alle nødvendige computerspecifikke poster i registreringsdatabasen (standard)
s - alle eksisterende genveje (standard)
v - kører fra kilde og lagrer lokal pakke i cachehukommelsen
Angivelse af offentlige egenskaber

Se Windows ® Installer SDK for at få yderligere dokumentation om

Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes.
Dele af denne software er delvist baseret på den uafhængige JPEG-gruppes arbejde."

(It's danish, but i hope it gives you an idea of what's going on)

When i press "ok", it says "Thankyou! Your software has successfully installed" but nothing's there..

RE: Logitech Profiler won't install. - Kille - 2014-02-21 07:22

What wheel you got btw?

RE: Logitech Profiler won't install. - Ernst - 2014-02-21 08:18

Logitech G27 Smile

I used this wheel for about a year now, and this didn't happen on Win 7

RE: Logitech Profiler won't install. - Jimmy - 2014-02-21 08:27

It happend with my desktop using Windows 8 64 bit its just started to go very slow last days but getting new grafic card and formated pc with windows 8 i hope it should work with formated desktop, its in the shop thougt waiting to can get it back

RE: Logitech Profiler won't install. - Ernst - 2014-02-21 08:47

I just got my PC, it's brand new? Sad

RE: Logitech Profiler won't install. - Jimmy - 2014-02-21 10:20

Can you install profiler without open it?

RE: Logitech Profiler won't install. - Ernst - 2014-02-21 11:10

I don't understand your question? I can't find the Profiler .exe anywhere when i installed it. Nothing at all, only the install file i downloaded from the website..

RE: Logitech Profiler won't install. - Jimmy - 2014-02-21 11:39

is it first time you use windows 8 at all? if you know there is 2 backgrounds or like that
drag your mouse bottom left and you will se a little thing pop up there click on that maybe profiler is there

RE: Logitech Profiler won't install. - Ernst - 2014-02-21 19:35

Yes, this is my first time using win 8, and i searched the system and nothing comes up. It's like it says that it installs the data, but no data is installed in actual Smile