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War Thunder players list - Printable Version

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War Thunder players list - LowRider - 2014-03-24 18:03

Hello TC Community

I am make a list of players who play this game so this Community can look at this and see who plays this game
>War Thunder link<
>War Thunder Closed beta<

Use the following template
War Thunder Name:
TC Name:
You in the Closed beta [Yes/No]

Players list
TC Name - War Thunder Name - CB(Closed beta)

[TC]>sako< - sako1231 - CB [Yes]
Howlin - HOWLINmad22 - CB [No]
Bez - Bezlington - CB [No]
Destroyer - Destroyer392 - CB [No]

(2014-03-25 23:28)Howlin Wrote:  We also have a squadron in game that i made when the feature first came around and it has never really had a purpose so feel free to apply there too =]

Name: 146th Squadron

- Make sure your name is on here before you apply so we know who you are.

RE: War Thunder players list - Howlin - 2014-03-24 18:16

War Thunder Name: HOWLINmad22
TC Name: Howlin
You in the Closed beta [Yes/No]: Nope

RE: War Thunder players list - Chuck - 2014-03-24 18:18

But it is open beta

RE: War Thunder players list - LowRider - 2014-03-24 18:22

Edit post closed beta testing link (Tanks)

RE: War Thunder players list - Bez - 2014-03-24 20:21

War Thunder Name: Bezlington
TC Name: Bez
You in the Closed beta [Yes/No]: No

RE: War Thunder players list - Howlin - 2014-03-25 23:28

We also have a squadron in game that i made when the feature first came around and it has never really had a purpose so feel free to apply there too =]

Name: 146th Squadron

- Make sure your name is on here before you apply so we know who you are.

RE: War Thunder players list - Destroyer - 2014-03-29 00:11

War Thunder Name: Destroyer392
TC Name: Destroyer
You in the Closed Beta [Yes/No]: No