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+ + Report - DmAr (Report Archived by BoyPower) - Printable Version

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+----- Thread: + + Report - DmAr (Report Archived by BoyPower) (/showthread.php?tid=11502)

+ + Report - DmAr (Report Archived by BoyPower) - Haribo - 2014-03-29 21:53

● Your LFS Username:roll005

● Their LFS Username(s):DmAr
● Their LFS GameName(s): i_DmAr

● Replay and/or Screenshot Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fbt4iyrayuhvey6/Report%20Dmar.mpr
● Replay Timestamps:23:15 - to mpr ends

● Description of incident (inc Date & Time)
2014.03.29 22:47

RE: + Report - DmAr - BP - 2014-03-30 00:00

1.) You don't need to add "+" to the title, a "-" or a "+" will be put in the title automatically depending on the outcome of the report.

2.) I quote myself from a previous report of yours:
BP Wrote:Firstly, the "Description of incident" is asking for a description of the incident including date/time. You need both the description and the date/time, not just one of them. I'll still check it though.
Take this into account. If you want an admin to put effort into your report, at least put some in yourself.

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

Users "i_DmAr" and "aBo fAhaD r" have been issued confirmable warning to speak English in the main chat.

Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.