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+ + Report (Report Archived by Saphira) - Printable Version

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+ + Report (Report Archived by Saphira) - Pinkz - 2014-03-31 23:16

● Your LFS Username: try drifter

● Their LFS Username(s):vegardnos
● Their LFS GameName(s):GT MADNESS tm

● Replay and/or Screenshot Link
● Replay Timestamps:
Passed me and just slowed me down
tryed to pass the chase
passed me out and hit the barier
does not give way to emergency car or {viekle}
just started slowing down in front of me
just follows the chase

● Description of incident (inc Date & Time)
well fistly i never try to report anyone... he was blocking me in a chase and passing and blocking me.my thrust is well i give wornings but he pushed my thrust too fare i said that im going to report him but when i stoped recording i said that i will not report when he said" sorry i didnt know" that was cool but when i rejoined the server later i saw him doing it again and he is a cool guy but what he did wasint Cool. so yea.

the link to REPLAY:

+ Report - Saphira - 2014-04-01 06:44

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

The user will be given a confirmable official warning for interfering and passing the chase. He did however apologise when you explained that it is not allowed, he will also be directed to the rules again.

Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.