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Motorbike accident with helmet cam - Printable Version

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Motorbike accident with helmet cam - ZsoLT - 2011-12-21 23:19

"You ran a red light"
"Yea, I know" ...Mellow

RE: Motorbike accident with helmet cam - Luke. - 2011-12-21 23:30

Looked quite painful, not really injured though, seen alot worse

RE: Motorbike accident with helmet cam - Rasmus - 2011-12-22 03:53

Is that gas under the bike or blood ?

RE: Motorbike accident with helmet cam - Roba - 2011-12-22 04:54

I think it's oil or grease under the bike

RE: Motorbike accident with helmet cam - Roba - 2011-12-22 04:55

Oh THAT Tongue That looks like oil to me

RE: Motorbike accident with helmet cam - Bence - 2011-12-22 09:06

wow the biker get green and the Furgon red. Car drivers isn't respect motobiker's

RE: Motorbike accident with helmet cam - Roba - 2011-12-22 12:40

(2011-12-22 09:06)Bence Wrote:  wow the biker get green and the Furgon red. Car drivers isn't respect motobiker's

True. Sleep

RE: Motorbike accident with helmet cam - Malibu - 2011-12-22 13:10

(2011-12-22 09:06)Bence Wrote:  wow the biker get green and the Furgon red. Car drivers isn't respect motobiker's

That has nothing to do with a disrespect towards motorcycles. He disrespected the trafficlights.

RE: Motorbike accident with helmet cam - Adampower - 2011-12-22 14:45

yes, but he still has a very valid point malibu. ive got a bike, and everyday is like roulette.
car drives don't respect motorcyclists what so ever.

RE: Motorbike accident with helmet cam - Malibu - 2011-12-22 14:49

That's just generalization to the max.

RE: Motorbike accident with helmet cam - Turkey - 2011-12-22 15:32

Malibu is right, that's a huge generalization and one that can't be true. I know this because I myself as a car driver do respect motorcyclists.

It's simple really - you get good drivers and bad drivers (and drivers somewhere in between of course) - the bad ones are likely to cause accidents with any vehicle. As we can see in this video, the car driver knew he'd ran a red light and that he could cause an accident as a result. It could have been with any vehicle though. He didn't have disrespect for motorcyclists, he had disrespect for other people.

As a car driver, I probably get annoyed with the same bad drivers as motorcyclists do. I can't see why someone would want to be involved in an accident with a motorcyclist in particular.

RE: Motorbike accident with helmet cam - Ice - 2011-12-22 15:47

A moron (sorry for using this word) is capable of killing himself with a bloody unicycle, and if you put that guy on any type of motorcycle, he will eventually do something stupid. Then, general group of us, motorcyclists get pointed out that we're all the same. That is, in fact, so not true. Maybe you don't realise, but there's a lot more people in cars disrespecting traffic rules as there are motorcyclists (due to a fact there's more cars on the roads, but that's not the point really), so basicly for everything that does go wrong with motorcyclists, the whole group gets blamed for that, while as far as for cars goes, that doesn't happen. (hope you get my point)

RE: Motorbike accident with helmet cam - James - 2011-12-22 21:37

I took my CBT earlier in the week (the test that allows me to ride a motorcycle legally). When I had gotten out onto the road and when I was on the other side of those four wheeled vehicles.. Scary as hell as all it takes is one lapse of concentration not just on my end but theirs for my head to fall under the wheel of a vehicle. There are good drivers but they are obviously outmatched by the terrible ones.

This guy was obviously lucky. Someone was looking out for him that time.

RE: Motorbike accident with helmet cam - Turkey - 2011-12-22 22:47

(2011-12-22 21:37)PeePee Wrote:  There are good drivers but they are obviously outmatched by the terrible ones.

Yeah, kind of scary to think that in a 30 min journey you pass thousands of cars coming the other direction. If just ONE of those drivers loose concentration and drift over to your side of the road as you're passing, you could be instantly killed.

Sorry that wasn't very cheerful, was it?

RE: Motorbike accident with helmet cam - Viper - 2011-12-22 23:39

I've been riding just over a year and a half now. One thing i have learned is that you should ride like no one can see you, because for a lot of drivers they actually don't see you since the front profile of a bike is rather slim. Usually people just give quick glances in their mirrors and sometimes when mirrors shake/rattle/vibrate it makes it more difficult to make out images in such short glances. The amount of times someone's pulled out a junction in front of me or even when i've been overtaking! Properly scary moments! Have to ride defensively or your dead meat. I always have my lights on just to be extra visible.

RE: Motorbike accident with helmet cam - Benni - 2011-12-23 13:22

Underneath his bike is Oil and coolant from the radiator. I ride a BMW same as the Police Motorcyclist use and even on a bike that is as tall and as wide as that i still have to remind drivers that i am behind/side or in-front of them as they don't look. Especially not on the motorway they are even worse on there with lane changing and not checking blind spots. Thankfully in 3 years i haven't crashed once (touch wood)! Thus i plan to keep it that way.

RE: Motorbike accident with helmet cam - Viper - 2011-12-23 15:04

I'm jelous, I had a crash within a few months of getting my license. First day riding a Yamaha Thundercat and got caught out by 1 corner near Knockhill. Wasn't even speeding, corner was just way tighter than i thought it would be. Was 6 months before i could get back to work Sad Never again!

RE: Motorbike accident with helmet cam - Brad - 2011-12-24 18:53

I always especially look out for motorbikes when I'm driving, mainly because like car drivers, you get some bad, bad riders weaving in and out on motorways and overtaking cars on the same side they are indicating etc. As much as I don't want them hurt, I'm more interested in them not crashing into my car...