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Banned for other player's stuff - Printable Version

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Banned for other player's stuff - Nissan4Life - 2014-05-28 12:04

Hello my name is jose, got banned for another player.

Got banned for a Action from AlvaroPT2, he isnt AlvaroPT anymore.

So, my acount before was from AlvaroPT, i bought it to him.
TC Admins said that i was linked to alvaropt2, alvaropt and me arent linked anymore.

AlvaroPT sold Nissan4Life to me and AlvaroPT2 to another guy.

I have contacted Alvaro yesterday so I could know whaat happend to ask for a unban.


RE: Banned for other player's stuff - Pipa - 2014-05-28 13:59

Haha nice try Alvaro. Stop telling lies, you could simply ask us to remove the ban on nissan since it's unliked from AlvaroPT2.

RE: Banned for other player's stuff - Nissan4Life - 2014-05-28 16:55

Ok. Sorry

Could you please unlink nissan to play my cousin with it please


RE: Banned for other player's stuff - Pipa - 2014-05-28 16:59

Done. Next time stop lying, you are wasting everyones time by doing so.