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Emergency Service Status - Printable Version

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Emergency Service Status - Carl - 2014-06-14 21:16

This applies for the following:

I had an idea (obviously) and it was to show their status.

a status being, "In chase", "Traffic stop" "Towing", "Responding" etc

i would like to know whats going on precisely and to know if there are any TOW's available before i call Smile

an example of showing this status would be by opening connections list, which would activate an insim menu beside the connections list.

RE: Emergency Service Status - Russ773 - 2014-06-14 22:18

I think in general its a good idea, but think the COP aspect should have more focus than say a MED, TOW or RES. You'd constantly have messages displayed on your screen if the other services had there own statuses.

You can easily see a TOW, MED or RES by looking at the list of users on the server as they'll have the tag on. It would be a good feature but not sure its really needed. Just my opinion though

RE: Emergency Service Status - Carl - 2014-06-14 22:56

I don't particularly mean long status messages flooding the screen, maybe just one word things next to their name or in between 'SS' and 'W' or 'Ks'

just so that i know if i call somebody i know that someone is not busy and can turn up instead of calling when everyone is busy.

if i had photoshop i would design the layout. but try to picture it.

RE: Emergency Service Status - Cranked - 2014-06-14 23:04

I personaly would like to see this.

RE: Emergency Service Status - Dan - 2014-06-14 23:45

The connection list is "built in" to LFS and there's no way that can be tampered with.

RE: Emergency Service Status - BP - 2014-06-14 23:47

(2014-06-14 23:45)DanielP Wrote:  The connection list is "built in" to LFS and there's no way that can be tampered with.

If it was on the side of the connection list, it wouldn't really be anything to do with the connection list, but I'm not sure if there's a way of detecting whether the list is open or not.

RE: Emergency Service Status - Dan - 2014-06-14 23:55

That, and the list is always changing in size and people are changing positions as new people connect etc.

RE: Emergency Service Status - Connor - 2014-06-15 00:03

And I wouldn't really want another HUD menu on my screen as I'm trying to drive. TC's simplicity of the InSim makes it that much better than other cruise servers. They all have those flashy overloaded HUD screens which get in the way a lot of the time but in TC you've got the basic stuff and no more.

I don't see why you'd need more to be implemented, and besides, there a quite a few MED/RES/TOWs that have binds that say "Please wait, this unit is unavailable" or something along those lines.

RE: Emergency Service Status - Byran - 2014-06-15 00:52

I like tho idea too but honestly don't see a reason for it to be implemented. Users can easily see what other emergency services are doing by spectating them or reading the binds they create. Also the InSim does a pretty good job saying it. like for example when a med tow or res responds it says so and so has responded and then even says when you have aririved to the task and completed it. For cops it clearly says for ex. Byran[cop] chasing ras. Etc it just would create more of a clustered hud

RE: Emergency Service Status - Some1 - 2014-06-15 00:52

Got to agree with Connor here, TC's insim has a nice simple design and adding such a feature would certainly throw it off balance.
As for the idea in itself, i remember the server statistics having a extra display to show cops in chase some time ago, perhaps this would be the way to go

RE: Emergency Service Status - Goofy - 2014-06-15 20:13


RE: Emergency Service Status - Sadie - 2014-06-16 12:23

Maybe if you could toggle it on and off?

RE: Emergency Service Status - Warped - 2014-06-16 12:34

I can imagine how it would look, and as said, it could really hit the simplicity of the inSim a bit; nothing stops you communicating with other users. Wink

This kind of suggestion or update could be easier and look better to one's eyes with a simple command (!xxxx) which brings information as /echo message whether there are roleplay units on-scene/responding etc or not.

I find no use for this, as one can already spectate active roleplay units, or better, actually communicate with them.

RE: Emergency Service Status - Edwin - 2014-06-16 15:36

This is a legitimate idea but it could be a waste of time. I usually just go through the tow/med/res on the connection list and spectate them to see if they're busy or not.

RE: Emergency Service Status - Carl - 2014-06-17 06:43

A way of not overloading HUD is just by a simple green and red dot.

But like you guys said we could always spectate.