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+ Report - hjrs (Report Archived by Val) - Printable Version

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+ Report - hjrs (Report Archived by Val) - Warped - 2014-06-16 21:27

● Your LFS Username: entyzor

● Their LFS Username(s): hjrs
● Their LFS GameName(s): | H J R S- QTR

● Replay and/or Screenshot Link: Replay
● Replay Timestamps:

10:04 - User drives over stopping zones on the pit lane.

10:43 - Drifts and one's rear hits a parked police car. After the crash the user accuses the police officer of wrong side driving and demands a sorry for one's own fault.

12:36 - Drives over the stopping zones on the pit lane.

19:04 - Drives over the stopping zones on the pit lane, and drifts past a parked civilian car thus hitting the civilian a little bit.

19:58 - Starts to follow a chase, U-turns in order to continue on following it.

20:29 - Crashes on a civilian's car from rear; the civilian slowed down as there was an accident ahead.

23:40 - Stunting on the pit lane and rams a parked civilian car. A civilian revenge rammed the user.

25:30 - Fails to show any intention of moving for a chase.

26:29 - Rams a civilian car from the rear. After this, doesn't slow down and move properly for a chase behind.

30:06 - Fails to move properly for the chase.

30:59 - Crashes on a civilian coming from the pit lane.

33:05 - Doesn't seem to care who's behind one's car as one was reversing (helping with an accident scene), thus crashing on civilians full-accelerator. Not really needed timestamp, was somewhat a minor incident.

33:43 - Rams a civilian who is driving towards Safezone, making a chain reaction and both civilians got themselves auto-specced. Both civilians lost their trips according to what they say. The user in question says "it wasn't me, someone hit me from the rear also.".

● Description of incident (inc Date & Time)
Ramming, driving over stopping zones on pit lane, stunting on the main pit lane, disrespect of the sirens, failure to apologise.

Report - hjrs - Val - 2014-06-17 10:46

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.


The user will have to serve a short ban. I don't need to re-write what you've described above.

Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.