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unban request! (Unban Request Denied by Stunna) - Printable Version

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unban request! (Unban Request Denied by Stunna) - pReal - 2014-07-16 23:13

i dont even know why im banned in demo i looked i didnt brake check police in chase maybe i got lag or something i got 2 week for nothing---

RE: unban request! - Stunna - 2014-07-16 23:17

First off you have one of the worst unban request's ive seen and just for this It should be declined but seen as I am nice I will just give you a link so you can edit your post. http://forum.city-driving.co.uk/showthread.php?tid=2

Secondly your ban is not for "nothing", you disconnected in a middle of a chase before InSim can even bust you. So because of this you avoided the fine I wanted to choose by disconnecting.

RE: unban request! - pReal - 2014-07-17 10:39

sorry about disconnect i didnt know i dont get fined. i think i get auto fined it dosent hapend again

and i was pretty stuck when i disconnected i was in cnter of trinagle =)

RE: unban request! - Stunna - 2014-07-18 20:17

Ban stays in place, denied. You need to read the rules, refer to rule 3.1 - http://www.city-driving.co.uk/rules

Unban Request Denied