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Basic Training- Haribo - Printable Version

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Basic Training- Haribo - Haribo - 2014-10-06 19:17

LFS Username:haribow01
Cop rights revoked? (Yes/No):No
Notes (e.g times free/language):Hungary,English, i free all day.

RE: Basic Training- Haribo - Connor - 2014-10-06 20:08


I'm just a little confused as to why you are signing up for Basic Training again? There's nothing wrong it's just that around 2 months ago you passed and the best thing to go for is Advanced Training. Are you sure you want to retake Basic Training? I would have to ask the leaders but it may affect your chances of taking Advanced if you fail this time (highly unlikely however)

And might I ask, are you using haribow01 as your account for this?


[TC] Training Team

RE: Basic Training- Haribo - Haribo - 2014-10-06 20:18

Hello. Yes i am using haribow01. And not problem, i retake basic and advanced training.

RE: Basic Training- Haribo - Luke - 2014-10-06 20:21

Haribo, If I am not mistaken the account you are using linked to your forum acount (roll005) has been trained 4 times. All of which are a pass, however, your rights have been revoked inbetween these periods. If I am not mistaken, you made a new LFS account, started TC again and now trying to get another training for a 6th chance. And not only this you have yet ANOTHER account named after driftmad1. Which has 3 individual trainings on 2 of which are a fail.

I'm sorry but I am pretty sure this does not need to go to discussion with the management as the accounts are linked and you have had training almost double the amount of times you are allowed too as an individual. The account haribow01 currently no cop revokations, whether this is actually allowed due to the complete mess of your TRS/URS history I am not sure myself. A TC member will have to clarify this. Both of your older accounts do NOT have cop rights. To me this is looking like a toy about.

Your first ever training was 2013-06-07 on roll005. Your most recent on the driftmad1 account was 2013-12-21, then on the account you have just applied for is 2014-08-11.

6 trainings which is the most 1 individual user has ever had in my experience with the training team. Whether the account was hacked requires your honesty and our research history on the forums. I'm sorry to sound crude here at all but you have had plenty of opportunities to learn how cop properly, I do not agree with giving you another chance, maybe a slight chance of you re-practising within agreement however I object too it if anything Advanced Training as Connor stated. This will be forwarded to the Training managements for their opinion and a TC member will confirm the eligibility here.

If you cannot get the grips of copping after 6 trainings, you won't be suitable in general, there's only so much as team on a game we can do.

~ Luke

[TC] Training Team Management

RE: Basic Training- Haribo - Haribo - 2014-10-06 20:32

Okey Luke, Adv training i can take?

RE: Basic Training- Haribo - Luke - 2014-10-06 20:36

This will be discussed under the training team. We will get back to you once we have made a decision what to do and what you cannot do.

Please be patient Smile

Thank you,

~ Luke

[TC] Training Team Management

RE: Basic Training- Haribo - Saphira - 2014-10-07 16:04

Your to stick too ONE account and one account only please Haribow.
You have had far far to many chances with ALL your accounts.
You are not going to flit between your several accounts and do Basic and Advanced Training.

Coprights are revoked on roll005 account and will remain revoked
Coprights are revoked on driftmad1 account and will remain revoked.

You do NOT need to take Basic training again, and the Training Team will not train you a 7th time. You however can do Advanced Training, inwhich you already have a thread active for this - link below


Please kindly refrain from making anymore threads for Basic and Advanced

Thread will be closed at 00:00 tonight and then archived

Thread closed and archived