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Basic Polic Training - Printable Version

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Basic Polic Training - Nyborg - 2012-01-06 15:15


My cop rights was taken January 5 because a guy i and mr.volvo had chase drive into me.
They came out of a corner and mr.volvo said to me: turn around. i do that. the guy came out of the corner and drive over to the wrong side of the road and hit me. The admin said to me: WTF are you doing? I said nothing, he drive into me. the athor guy said thats not true. then the admin said : i take you cop rights. I really want the back. if you dont think its right, then you can ask mr.volvo.

I want to do basic trining to be cop again.

From Vegard "vegny98" Nyborg

RE: Basic Polic Training - Kayla - 2012-01-06 15:16

Wrong format.
Please re-apply using the correct layout, which can be found here: http://forum.city-driving.co.uk/showthread.php?tid=497

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