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(Refund Request Archived by Pipa) Refund Request, given an unfair fine. - Printable Version

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(Refund Request Archived by Pipa) Refund Request, given an unfair fine. - Sam - 2014-10-13 19:06

- Your LFS Username: Shikari_San

- Time & Date of Incident: About 19:56 on the 13th of October 2014.

- Replay / Screenshot Link: http://www.filedropper.com/refudrequest
- Replay Timestamps: Incedent starts at about 18:55, as you can see I was driving along at the limit, trying to get a bit of money, I miss judge my stopping distance, then the COP (User name stanis96) stops me and fines me £100 for "Corner cutting". I feel this is very unfair and a extream fine for the incident as I didn't wrong side, didn't hit any other cars, wasn't even near any other cars, was doing the limit and got back on track ASAP.


RE: Refund Request, given an unfair fine. - Pipa - 2014-10-19 10:21

A fine was acceptable as you did indeed cut the corner, even if it was only very slightly. However the fine itself was a bit high, so i will refund you 70€ and fine the cop 70€.

2014-10-13 18:55:48 UTC stanis96 REWARD Rewarded 100 € from OS” Shikari [shikari_san]

Refund request has been completed - Moved to Archives