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- Report - raskk (Archived by Saphira) - Printable Version

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- Report - raskk (Archived by Saphira) - Roba - 2014-10-29 21:41

My Username: -Roba-

Their Username: raskk
Their Nickname: -[BC]-RAsKK

Replay: https://hostr.co/phFGVek9YpyJ
Replay Timestamps:

~ 52:52.XX - So user is driving a little behind me here, coming to the corner. I see Sadie cutting the corner so I slow down to let him safely pass me there. I do not slam on my brakes, nor come to a complete, sudden stop. However, Raskk continues driving, his caution to avoid an accident was to lift off his throttle. He did not brake AT ALL until it was clearly WAY too late.

He makes a small effort on trying to undertake me via the grass, just after I try to pull over a bit to the curb so he could have overtook me safely, ending up in a collision.

I have NO interest on reporting from this incident, but he said nothing, no apologies, and when I tried confronting him, even saying that I don't think it's completely his fault, he just starts an argument out of it.

After reviewing the replay and telling him what he did/didn't do, he told me it's illegal to mount cameras on his car.. Seriously? That's when I ended the conversation.

Description of incident/Reason for report: Causing an accident without apologizing. Hardly any attempt to avoid it.

RE: Report - raskk - RasKK - 2014-10-29 22:47

Users opinion:
I confirm that i did not react with the optimal possibility. But thats the same for you.
I clearly tried to pass you on the right as i recognized you werent gonna speed up. at almost the same time you changed course to the right - that has nothing to do with hitting you by purpose.

as i said, we both didnt react very good. im just a casual driver with the shitty normal driver license, but youre an well trained cop. in reallife you wouldnt just stop in the middle of an highway just within an corner if your seeing something on the right side. you would also go the the shoulder. your intention was good to slow down, but it was as well as my try not the optimum.

but thats not whats important. important is: i am not the initiator of the accident. if you say you made an usual stop there because of Sadie overtaking over the grass on the right, then you should really consider asking him for sorry instead of me.

if you shoot with a weapon !beside! a group of people, without hitting them (like Sadie), and 2 of them are running into each other because of an "unusual situation", you wouldnt blame the other person for it wouldnt you? the fault was the agressor with the weapon Wink

i understand you need some sort of sorry. i am sorry for you that your car got hit there, but still you should not initially blame me. as an officer, you should take a step away from the closer scene and take a look on the whole lot ..

Report - raskk - Saphira - 2014-10-30 08:11

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

Having looked at the replay it is quite clear this was not [BC]-RAsKK fault at all. In actual fact This was your fault SO•Roba[COP] for slowing right down on the road and waiting for Sadie to pass on the grass (probably you was going to initiate chase on Sadie for the speeding across the grass)

Slowing right down like you did caused the accident, there was not a great deal of warning for [BC]-RAsKK that you where slowing, he was just cruising around the track, but just so happens he went into the back of you. This was not intentional, and he reacted a bit slow thats all.

Cars come at quite a speed through that section of the track, slowing and avoiding you would of been quite hard.

Even if you had initiated !chase, there would of been no time to react to SIRENS on his screen too.

I am not going to take any action with this report, but i will say be more cautious to all traffic when slowing down that much. An apology from both of you was all that was needed.

No action has been taken for reasons described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.