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+ Report yns-1981 (Report Archived by Byran) - Printable Version

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+ Report yns-1981 (Report Archived by Byran) - Olli - 2014-11-29 21:01

● Your LFS Username: UXTERIII

● Their LFS Username(s): yns-1981
● Their LFS GameName(s): Fuji86>Eren

● Replay and/or Screenshot Link: Replay
[Image: lfs_00000009_zps469fae97.jpg]
● Replay Timestamps:

User flew out of bounds after a lag spike, didn't join the spectators even though he was told to do so at least three times. He was oob for a good 36 seconds to be exact, so no excuse for not being fast enough to shift+p. Wait's until he escapes from us and right after that he immediately goes to pits. Seems like he knew what he was doing and clearly was waiting for himself to escape. After the incident Eren used disrespective language and didn't care at all of what he just had done.

● Description of incident (inc Date & Time)

Would be nice if XP's and PT's could be refunded.

Report yns-1981 - Byran - 2014-11-29 21:13

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

This is a very suspicous lag. He has absolutely no lag at all for the chase from what I see with all the ramming he does. Then when you guys start to get a box on him his wheel stays one direction as if LFS is minimized and he is clicking something. He then lags the craziest lag I have ever seen sending him flying out of bounds. He replies with "ha". As if he knows what he just did. Since he doesn't listen to you when you say to shift+p twice and then replies with a snotty remark shortly after tells me he doesn't care. Also he has had many situations rather similar to this. I am going to issue a 5 day ban. He will also be warned about his ramming while doing p.i.t. attempts. Thank you for the report. Also all officers in this chase will be refunded the money they should have received.

+ Report yns-1981 (Report Archived by Byran) - Byran - 2014-11-29 21:37

Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.