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+ Report COP (Report Archived by Pipa) - Printable Version

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+ Report COP (Report Archived by Pipa) - MariusMM - 2015-01-18 22:02

● Your LFS username:Mariusmm

● Their LFS username(s):RDP•petsu[COP]
● Their in-game nickname(s):Verke

● Main reason(s): Ram

● Replay and/or screenshot link:
Screenshot of ram (Click to View)
● Replay timestamps: 3h:19:20

● Description of incident (inc date & time) It was a long police chase, and I do understand that the cops is getting frustrated when they can't bust the suspect, but I don't think they should be allowed to completely do what they want with him, such as head on ramming. I tried to tell him after the chase but I got nowhere.. All the slamming and bumping into my car during chase is perfectly understandable since I was brake checking a lot. But it's those maneuvers like in the screenshot that crosses the line what is ok and not. No attempt to apologize either, not that it would fix my car Smile

RE: Report COP - Petsu - 2015-01-18 22:09

To the SS, i never tried or didn't even head on ram you, pure PIT attempt.. And after the chase i had many people backing me up so i still don't think i did anything wrong. Bit harsh yes but nothing wrong as you need power to PIT 4WD RB4 which is steered by mouse.. I said sorry after rough ones Smile You kept brake checking and u-turning, making it impossible to PIT you, should i just drive behind you until i run out of gas or tires? :/

RE: Report COP - MariusMM - 2015-01-18 22:31

(2015-01-18 22:09)petsu Wrote:  To the SS, i never tried or didn't even head on ram you, pure PIT attempt.. And after the chase i had many people backing me up so i still don't think i did anything wrong. Bit harsh yes but nothing wrong as you need power to PIT 4WD RB4 which is steered by mouse.. I said sorry after rough ones Smile You kept brake checking and u-turning, making it impossible to PIT you, should i just drive behind you until i run out of gas or tires? :/

What do you mean you didn't tried? What did you not try? The screenshots and replay shows that you directly steered into my car Smile

I draw something in paint to show you what I mean. The one on right* is how I was thought a standard PIT is performed. What you were doing reminds more of a kamikaze pilot.

Also, (not that it has anything with the accidents to do, I don't know why you actually mention it) I did not u-turn that much, I kept a pretty straight direction throughout the chase. You make it sound like I was going back and fourth in a sand pit or so.

RE: Report COP - Petsu - 2015-01-18 22:51

It still didn't was head on ram as you said, or even attempt to head on ram as you can see from my steering. I wanted to hit the rear of your car but it didn't work out as i had planned, not kind of even close. Purely my bad and i'm still sorry for it.

RE: Report COP - Pipa - 2015-01-21 21:12

(2015-01-18 22:31)MariusMM Wrote:  

Such a move can be acceptable, but it is very difficult. You have to time it right and get amount of force right. And it becomes a lot more difficult as the speed difference increases.

However if you get it wrong, then you screw up badly as we can see in this case. He hit you around the door hinge and used way too much force, which made you end up in the wall.

(2015-01-18 22:51)petsu Wrote:  I wanted to hit the rear of your car...

Yet you didn't. You hit his door and shoved him into the wall. Read this again please:

Quote:5.4. Force / Physical Contact

Any force used must be calculated and tactical. The direct impact of intentional contact should cause very minor or ideally no damage to either car. Ramming is forbidden.

Your direct impact caused quite a bit of damage and therefore is not allowed. You also failed to apologise for your mistake.

Verke will receive a confirmable warning for using too much force during a police chase

Will leave this open for a day, incase questions arise.

+ Report COP (Report Archived by Pipa) - Pipa - 2015-01-22 19:24

Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.