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Lottery - Your Feedback - Printable Version

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Lottery - Your Feedback - Ash - 2015-03-07 20:33

Hey Guys

We are looking at starting up the lottery again as a full time thing, just want a few comments from you guys!

We are looking to change away from the "Bonus Ball" only side of things, and run in a similar fashion to that of the UK's National Lottery. Therefore rather than picking one number, you would pick 6. This would also mean that there are more prizes based on the more people that play.

The limit to one ticket per player would also be removed, as now there is an unlimited amount of tickets we can sell.

So based on that, I am proposing that we sell tickets for €5000 each. Would that be something people are ok at? Or because of the amount of money in circulation at the moment, would a higher figure be more appropriate?

I'll pop up a poll to gauge the feedback! Smile

Many thanks


RE: Lottery - Your Feedback - MrPeePee - 2015-03-08 07:28

Run separate Lotteries maybe ?

10k ticket means you have a higher prize pool to win than a 5k ticket.

RE: Lottery - Your Feedback - KooKoo - 2015-03-08 08:56

5k is too much lol

RE: Lottery - Your Feedback - Connor - 2015-03-08 09:08

Having €5000 as the ticket fee, it would mean you'd have a bigger prize pool. However, if you made it €2000, you may get more people buying tickets as they would be able to afford it. Or, as already stated; you could run maybe three separate lotteries to cater for everyone.

If people want to try their luck on the €10,000 ticket, that's their choice (if they can afford it).

So yeah, I'd say go with three separate lotteries with different ticket prices. Maybe you can enter into all three if you have enough money.

RE: Lottery - Your Feedback - BP - 2015-03-08 09:09

I wouldn't spend more than 2000 InSim on a lottery ticket due to the low chances of winning.

RE: Lottery - Your Feedback - Ash - 2015-03-08 09:16

Thanks for feedback! So generally lower price would encourage mor sales?

RE: Lottery - Your Feedback - Frozen - 2015-03-08 09:20

Agree with the 2000 InSim price.

You can make just a single lottery where the tickets cost 2000
Or different categories where you can either spend 2000 / 5000 .... The more you pay the bigger the prize is

I.e the lottery where you pay 5000 has limited tickets as the chance to win is higher and the prize is higher too

RE: Lottery - Your Feedback - Barney - 2015-03-08 11:36

do you mean by "full time" that this will be on a regular basis? or still one single event? dont really understand the term.

10k seems really high looking at the chances.
if its just a onetime thing i'd go for 5 grand. 2k seems fair tho for most players i guess, but even more participants would be willing to spend even only 1k imho.

do you also do this to get money out of the economy or will all money be spilled back out?

RE: Lottery - Your Feedback - Sadie - 2015-03-08 11:37

2k for one chance
5k for double chance?

but you can't buy more than doubble chance

RE: Lottery - Your Feedback - Ash - 2015-03-08 12:29

I'm working on some ideas, I'll let you guys know later! Smile

RE: Lottery - Your Feedback - Carl - 2015-03-08 12:52

My reasons for 5k:

Have a huge prize pool.
Make chances of winning extremely difficult to prevent the economy being disrupted.
Winning the lottery will be rewarding and not just a daily thing.

Have maybe 4-5 numbers 1-30 to correctly predict? Basically like the UK one but on a smaller scale?