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- Report - ALi_NZ (Archived by Dracula) - Printable Version

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- Report - ALi_NZ (Archived by Dracula) - sergcool - 2015-03-20 09:39

Your LFS username: sergcool

Their LFS username(s): Hitman8712
Their in-game nickname(s):Ali_NZ

Main reason(s): Pulls out in front of chase, right when i get to him. Even though the Sirens were on his screen, making me crash and lose the suspect. Doesn't say sorry. Doesn't want to say sorry. Later in chat.

Replay and/or screenshot link:http://www.filedropper.com/notfollowingsirens
Replay timestamps:1:29:54:00

Description of incident (inc date & time): 3/20/2015 - 2:25AM
Read main reason above.
The user later fails to apologize even when prompted.

Report - ALi_NZ - Dracula - 2015-03-20 09:40

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

RE: Report - ALi_NZ - Dracula - 2015-03-20 11:29


After reviewing the replay, I don't think there was one specific person at fault

As Ali has said in the replay, he said the arrows for the chase appeared to direct in front of him, and from what he saw and judged at the time, safely exited the road and joined the roundabout, as they (the chase) did not appear to be as close as they were to him.

When he pulled out from that road, you came flying down the hill at high speeds due to the chase, and went straight through the roundabout with no hesitation, which is to an extent understandable, but also gave Ali no time to react to it.

I don't believe there was just one party at fault here, as I think both sides contributed to this.
This situation could have been handled better, not just an apology from Ali but also from Serega.

Rather than issue in-game warnings which I think is not necessary for this specific case, please be sure that, a) Ali, always check to be sure the chase is definitely far away enough to drive in front, and b) Serega, make sure you try to slow down a bit before passing through to avoid such accidents.

As such no action will be taken, but please take all of this into account next time something like this occurs.

I will leave this open and allow you, Serega and Ali, to maybe attempt to come to a mutual conclusion and both just apologize, or post any comments on this.
If you don't wish to, you don't have to.

Thanks for your report.
Will be archived in 24 hours from now.

Administrator Message by: Dracula

3.2. Only admins and users involved in the user report/unban request are permitted to post.

- Report - ALi_NZ (Archived by Dracula) - Dracula - 2015-03-21 12:43

No action has been taken for reasons described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.