[TC] Gaming Forums
New Westhill - Printable Version

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New Westhill - lajfa - 2015-03-28 19:26


I have question. Will be available to cruise out of map? This is new start of TC! I'm so happy, sorry Biggrin

RE: New Westhill - Olli - 2015-03-28 19:28

Yes, I guess so.

RE: New Westhill - Ash - 2015-03-28 19:32

Of course Smile

RE: New Westhill - GuiNh - 2015-03-28 19:33

Very nice to TC. W00t

RE: New Westhill - lajfa - 2015-03-28 19:47

I look forward to cop chases there, it'll be epic! Biggrin

RE: New Westhill - Luke - 2015-03-28 19:47

TC are working on getting the track suitable for cruising. It requires the insim to be updated and a suitable layout to be created which will be a length process, to top it off, it WILL be a left hand driven track therefore, it is completely opposite to the other cruise tracks (which are right hand drive). Expect a few weeks before it's put in action. Smile