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Help with connection - Printable Version

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Help with connection - Stevo - 2012-01-18 00:46


Haven't played LFS for a while but now coming on the server a bit more, but my connection is fustrating me.

I can only last 5-10 mins (that's what she said)
Then I get the long red bar and times out and takes 10 minutes for internet connection comes back.

I'm on wireless on my laptop and with Sky.
No-one but me using the connection atm and never seemed to have this problem on anything else, as I'm sure i'd need a good enough connection for xbox live playing online with no problems for an hour or 2.

Getting a wired connection isn't really an option, I'm sure same would happen anyway.

Speed test:

[Image: 1713859272.png]

Any suggestions and help would be great



RE: Help with connection - Stunna - 2012-01-18 02:06

That wireless connection will do that to ya. Try getting a Ethernet cable instead.

RE: Help with connection - FR4NOx - 2012-01-18 02:38

Hmm... that's a bit odd. I have a much slower connection and higher ping(~250ms) and I play on TC just fine, though a bit laggy on a wireless connection (wasn't much slower than a hardline). I used to have this issue with TC in 2010, until I switched providers in 2011 (slower :[ ), it could be your ISP.

I could show my speedtest, but I'm in my room where even time moves slower than the rest of the world, but I manage to play at this speed fine sometimes.
[Image: 1713988649.png]

E: I usually play at around 1.5mb down, .70up, ~250ms, wireless.

RE: Help with connection - Chuck - 2012-01-18 07:26

(2012-01-18 00:46)Stevo Wrote:  Then I get the long red bar and times out and takes 10 minutes for internet connection comes back.

Are you saying that your internet connection is completely interrupted for that time?

RE: Help with connection - Stevo - 2012-01-18 08:38

I do have an ethernet cable at old home but can't be much of a permanent fix.

Yes Chuck. After driving around for about 10 mins, my bar on the bottom left (among the others), steadily increases red for about 20 secs as other cars show lag timer instead of cars then the internet connection goes totally for browsing etc. and internet is then down for 5 mins if I leave it, but I tend to reset it and internet comes back on. Not sure if this is sky's side or mine.

Just to add, online this morning and with only few people on the connection seems to be fine (so far)

RE: Help with connection - Chuck - 2012-01-18 09:08

Start this when your connection is ok. Let it ping to some random host.
When your connection went down, stop the capture after a few seconds and post the output.


RE: Help with connection - Stevo - 2012-01-18 09:23

How do I get it to ping to a random host? I have it running I press start but says no host selected, but there are no hosts in the list for it to connect to?

RE: Help with connection - Pete - 2012-01-18 10:43

add google.com or city-driving.co.uk to the list and then try.

RE: Help with connection - Stevo - 2012-01-18 10:58

'Unable to get raw socket' on google/city driving/facebook websites at hosts

RE: Help with connection - Chuck - 2012-01-18 12:14

Run as admin.

RE: Help with connection - Stevo - 2012-01-18 20:47

Ah ok thanks, I will do this tonight after work.