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New cop system on westhill - Printable Version

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New cop system on westhill - EMarci15 - 2015-04-15 12:14

My suggestion would be to extend the distance of losing someone and/or the timer at least for the new Westhill.
I personally don't like the new cop system on other maps either (e.g. you can lose suspects on the highway even if you see them when they brake a little bit, so even in real life you wouldn't lose them), but that's my opinion only (and the opinion of a lot of other people). However, I think it's pretty much unplayable with the new Westhill map, since there are so many opportunities to make an unnoticed turn/whatever, and even if the cop can catch up with the suspect at the next turn, (s)he will lose him/her.
The other thing is, that last time someone jumped out of bounds, and by the time I could have told him, that he had to pit/spectate, I had already lost him (10sec is not enough even for explaining).
By the way I see a lot of people not playing as cops/not chasing any cars but XFG/UF1/XRG, because they are afraid to worsen their stats (W/L, cop XP).

RE: New cop system on westhill - Bez - 2015-04-15 12:17

And now you know how real cops feel! Biggrin Get someone to be your Helicopter it helps a ton with chases on Westhill.

RE: New cop system on westhill - Borja - 2015-04-15 12:18

At the moment , dont have a XP system

RE: New cop system on westhill - Chuck - 2015-04-15 12:20

If people let numbers dictate their actions then we should get rid of those numbers.

That doesn't mean the chase parameters are chiselled in stone. Its just another problem. But we need to find proper values. Values that are fair for both sides, rather than just the wishes for the cops. Ideally, you can show an image of the situation, so we can see was it fair or not.

RE: New cop system on westhill - EMarci15 - 2015-04-15 12:27

Okay, no XP, and I don't care about XP anyway, others do. The main question was about having fun. So I think now it's like the suspect can get lost without even getting out of the sight of the cop (e.g. on the highway).
EDIT: I didn't save the replay, because as I said I don't care about those stats/money so much. And I agree with Chuck, that the old parameters were unfair as well (you could follow someone by the minimap only). Anyway I will save some replays to be able to speak not just in general.

RE: New cop system on westhill - Spark - 2015-04-15 15:08

I personally don't like the system here so what happened yesterday:

I was chasing a guy When he hit another person he flies into a closed area beside the gas station, since there is only one entrance / one exit me and Toni lost the chase. It was quite annoying to lose a chase when I knew that the suspect was on his roof and all I had to do was to simply drive past the entrance. Quite unfair to be honest.

Edit - sorry for errors was written with my phone.

RE: New cop system on westhill - Toni - 2015-04-15 15:12

Its also stupid, that you can escape on the big carpark if the cop is at the entrance on the top, and youre only on the middle exit, and the cop can still see you.

RE: New cop system on westhill - EMarci15 - 2015-04-15 15:27

I have a replay:

The suspect (Michelle) hit an oncoming car at 5:20.50 and flew back (flipped). I U-turned and drove back to her flipped car. By the time I got there I had lost the chase.

RE: New cop system on westhill - Owl - 2015-04-15 15:56

(2015-04-15 15:08)Spark Wrote:  I personally don't like the system here so what happened yesterday:

I was chasing a guy When he hit another person he flies into a closed area beside the gas station, since there is only one entrance / one exit me and Toni lost the chase. It was quite annoying to lose a chase when I knew that the suspect was on his roof and all I had to do was to simply drive past the entrance. Quite unfair to be honest.

There is a simple solution to that. In the UK if a criminal crashed and was on his roof, an ambulance would come (obviously). Since the suspect in your case was out of reach, you could call a MED/RES to come and deploy a ramp for you so you can access the suspect, giving the MED/RESs another job on that role Tongue

RE: New cop system on westhill - FolloweR - 2015-04-15 16:05

Same happened with me on SO, I could still see the suspect in front of me and I lost the chase.. No copping with this system I guess, especially on larger tracks. It would be pointless in my opinion because if I chase someone as fast as me, if he gains 100m advantage, I would lose the chase.

RE: New cop system on westhill - Warrior - 2015-04-15 16:33

I lost my suspect when he was stop at 50 m that's crazy.

RE: New cop system on westhill - EMarci15 - 2015-04-17 20:26

I see it's been changed since I started this thread. I really like the way it works now, I think it's fair both for cops and suspects (at least on Westhill where I've played the game). Thank you Smile

RE: New cop system on westhill - Adorable - 2015-04-17 21:00

(2015-04-15 12:20)Chuck Wrote:  we should get rid of those numbers.

Get rid of them please Biggrin

This will allow me, atleast to try chasing faster drivers =]