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+ Report 3 users (Report Archived by Dan) - Printable Version

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+ Report 3 users (Report Archived by Dan) - KooKoo - 2015-04-21 13:35

Your LFS username: dmo3_al7zn

Their LFS username(s): moskvich3v1
Their in-game nickname(s): I.Nikolov

Their LFS username(s): ferdos2019
Their in-game nickname(s): [COP] ML7ÒoÓS

Their LFS username(s): KING_BADR
Their in-game nickname(s): ¢â ¢Ö ¢Ý ¢å ¢à¡O¡o

Main reason(s): Insult, Provoking, WW while cop, Issuing high fine for minor incident, ETC..

This section of the report is for King_Badr:
Replay and/or screenshot link: [Image: 15z2m49.jpg]
Replay timestamps: N/A but here i was reporting tameem (highfly) and he said "KS AMH" meaning f*** his mom.
(I don't have replay for this as i thought it would be useless since its on !ch)
I think replay is same as Highfly report.

This section is for [COP] ML7OOS:

Replay and/or screenshot link: [Image: 2lboq4m.jpg]
[Image: 2q2pt04.jpg]
replay: http://www.mediafire.com/download/aubka9xb294ifkv/mal7oos.mpr

Replay timestamps: 1:41:11 - I crossed roundabout wrong way but i checked map, no traffic approaching or on the roundabout, he shouldn't fine me full immediately, i think he broke rule 4.9.1?, 1:47:28- Here he goes wrong way and then as soon as i tell him he spectates, if i haven't told him he was going wrongway i think he'd continue. then says something in the CH instead of apologizing or saying something respectful.
Then in CH he said "you, what do you want?" i told him "50" he said "get rotten"
2ND replay:
Timestamps: 1:06:58 - P.i.t me on a barrier.
1:07:06 - He does it again
1:07:45 - Nikolav interferes in chase.
1:10:31 - I ask him why high fine, i stayed most of the time on my lane and i was really slow, but he said "dont cray go to admin"
Then later on you see Nikolav coming in again and provoking me.
Then i told Ml7oos I will show the admin, he said "show him"
Nikolav knows that in Qatar beer is only sold in private places such as hotels, some supermarkets & it's not public or allowed in the public.

& This for Nikolav:
Replay and/or screenshot link:
[Image: ifpsts.jpg]
(i couldn't manage to find the replay for this one but if i do ill edit it ASAP, sorry.)
Replay timestamps: See the whole replay and his conversation with me and GOLD.

Description of incident (inc date & time):

RE: Report 3 users - ferdos2019 - 2015-04-21 14:11

Because he wanted me to swearing him wen i lost chase with xfg
say xfg vs xrt you can't drive
he just look to my and try to finde Something to lite you band my
Because you take the tag [ cop ] from him

soo what he woring side 3 time i see him Always woring side in roundabout

thanks you .

RE: Report 3 users - KooKoo - 2015-04-21 15:13

I didn't ask you to swear, and i did not insult you. I was spectating you waiting for you to move and then i can notify you and tell you what you did wrong, but because i was eating after i finished i found you driving on the wrong side, kind enough from me i told you that you were and the response from you was disrespectful. I did not threaten to report you or anything until i was required to. No, I am not doing this because i have been revoked, does not make sense.

Report 3 users - Dan - 2015-04-21 20:18

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

RE: Report 3 users - Dan - 2015-04-21 20:47


The screenshot shows the game play of Montana. I've traced the chat logs back and this was said nearly a month ago, why's it being reported now?:

2015-03-23 09:07:25 UTC    One (Montana)    KING_BADR        BADR〧 : !ch ks amh


There wasn't any really justification for the high fine. The factors stated in the rules definitely were not taken in to consideration (it was hardly severe [it didn't endanger anyone], it was for a short time only and you did it [from what he would've been able to see] only once, accounting for the repetition aspect).

1:47:28 (the wrong siding) - Going to be more lenient here, as sometimes individuals legitimately forget about left side driving (myself included), let's see if it gets any worse...

Quote:2ND replay:
Timestamps: 1:06:58 - P.i.t me on a barrier.
1:07:06 - He does it again
1:07:45 - Nikolav interferes in chase.
1:10:31 - I ask him why high fine, i stayed most of the time on my lane and i was really slow, but he said "dont cray go to admin"
Then later on you see Nikolav coming in again and provoking me.
Then i told Ml7oos I will show the admin, he said "show him"
Nikolav knows that in Qatar beer is only sold in private places such as hotels, some supermarkets & it's not public or allowed in the public.

Have you actually got the 2nd replay, please? The 2nd link has only 4 or so minutes of footage.


I'll give him a warning as he was clearly provoking you with unnecessary and annoying questions, despite you having asked him to stop.

As a side note, Antonioexzip will receive a confirmable warning for operating as a MED without using the appropriate skin.

KooKoo, if you could answer any of the above queries that would be wonderful (in reference to the one month old accusation and 2nd replay).

RE: Report 3 users - KooKoo - 2015-04-22 00:05

Hi Dan, sorry that i forgot about uploading the 2nd replay, here's the second link.
I know it's fine if he forgot going left side, i just wanted to remind him. The response i got wasn't as i expected to be.

And about Badr i was going to report him with high fly, but as i was scrolling through the shots i found it & realized i haven't filed a report, so i did it now. Is it not allowed to report an incident later?
Edit: If you want to drop badr's report thats up to you.

Have a nice day and thank you for your time daniel! Smile

RE: Report 3 users - Dan - 2015-04-22 15:39

Thanks for the other replay.

(2015-04-21 13:35)KooKoo Wrote:  Timestamps: 1:06:58 - P.i.t me on a barrier.
1:07:06 - He does it again


(2015-04-21 13:35)KooKoo Wrote:  1:07:45 - Nikolav interferes in chase.

Hm, wouldn't quite call it interfering - he just sat there really.

In reference to KING_BADR, I don't feel right taking action for an incident that was one month ago. If it was deemed that important, it would have been reported right at the time, but it wasn't.

Here's the action taken:
moskvich3v1 received a confirmable warning for his provoking and unnecessary behavior.
Antonioexzip received a confirmable warning for operating as a medic without the correct skin.
ferdos2019 has received a confirmable warning for attempting to PIT you while you were against a barrier and over-fining his suspect.

Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.