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LFS:TC city driving chase #2 [60fps] - Printable Version

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LFS:TC city driving chase #2 [60fps] - SeanProdTV - 2015-05-12 08:15

RE: LFS:TC city driving chase #2 [60fps] - Venom - 2015-05-12 15:13

Nice one, althought is that a bug that the fz's have default skin ?
Also I gotta say that intro is a bit too loud.

RE: LFS:TC city driving chase #2 [60fps] - Borja - 2015-05-12 16:29

The skins load when u go box..

Good video

RE: LFS:TC city driving chase #2 [60fps] - Cam - 2015-05-12 17:31

Nice video, stayed with the suspect well

RE: LFS:TC city driving chase #2 [60fps] - bowler - 2015-05-12 18:41

Nice one sean keep them coming?

RE: LFS:TC city driving chase #2 [60fps] - SeanProdTV - 2015-05-13 11:41

yep i will carry on making them , but if you want to know what is the each time i make one and upload it , is when the last uploaded video has the same amout of views that i have subs , like i have 80 subs , and if the video reaches 80 views , boom next video on its way Smile