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+ Report - insane1337 (Report Archived by Dan) - Printable Version

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+ Report - insane1337 (Report Archived by Dan) - Petsu - 2015-05-15 00:37

Your LFS username: Verke

Their LFS username(s): insane1337
Their in-game nickname(s): MCR·Insane

Main reason(s): Wrongwaying in to cop making me lose chase, insulting me and TC members, general bad attitude and driving, drifting around round-a-bout, interfering with another chase

Replay and/or screenshot link: http://www.cargame.nl/mpr/insane.mpr
Replay timestamps:

13:30.00 -> WWs in to me making me lose chase, no sorry and after talking with him shows no remorse and awful attitude

21:30.00 -> Drifting around round-a-bout

23:50.00 -> Insulting me

24:40.00 -> Ramming 2 cops in another chase while wrongwaying

28:23.00 -> Rams me

28:48.00 -> Again

29:26.00 -> Again very harsh ram

30:40.00 -> Shows very very bad attitude and insulting

31:40.00 -> Insulting TC members

Description of incident (inc date & time): 15.05.2015 around 3 am gmt+3

I could have stayed bit cooler myself at the end but his general attitude was way too provoking.. Shows no understanding to rules or doesn't even seem to care about them, instead just wanting to fool around as long as he is having fun.

Report - insane1337 - Dan - 2015-05-15 08:04

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

RE: Report - insane1337 - Dan - 2015-05-15 08:30


The player is clearly of no productive use to the server. Due to his record of ramming, wrong way driving with no apology, interfering with chases, drifting the roundabout, poor attitude and use of the middle finger bind, the player will receive a lengthy ban from the servers.

Good report. Smile


Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.