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Warning system - Printable Version

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Warning system - Dale - 2015-05-18 19:13

Ok so this is how i thought of this... today i crashed into a cop by accident immediately said "Sorry" to them, and they chased me anyway, and they gave me the highest fine they could....

so basically i'm trying to suggest a warning system, so if something happens something minor you get a warning then the next time you do something they get fine etc...

i think something like this needs to be put in place because some cops just use every little thing to basically Sponge money off other drivers... especially if its something and you say sorry to them.

or make a list of what is acceptable for cops to chase people for, because I've seen it when people have lightly hit a cop did no damage and they would chase them even though the driver said sorry, this way atleast there would be some control on cops chasing for hardly any reason

RE: Warning system - Warped - 2015-05-18 19:18

Giving absurd fines is already against the rules. However, as far as giving warnings is concerned, it is really up to a police officer.

RE: Warning system - Ash - 2015-05-18 19:19

Cops are more than capable of giving warnings. It is at their discretion whether to issue a warning or a fine Smile

If you feel they have over-fined you however, please request a refund using the refund request forum area (http://forum.city-driving.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?fid=8)

Ash Smile

RE: Warning system - Dale - 2015-05-18 19:22

i know its just that something needs to be done, like a list of offenses and what type of fine to give them... i know most are self explanatory such as wrong siding etc... but for careless and dangerous, i know sometimes i struggle which to give people, or make it so when someone commits something for the first time you can only give them lowest fine, then next time they do it the medium then highest if they do it again, because sometimes i feel like a cow getting miled by cops...

RE: Warning system - Ash - 2015-05-18 19:41

I always work by if they drive in a manner which affects other road users, it's dangerous. If not, it's careless.

RE: Warning system - Ras - 2015-05-18 19:51

The fine list is a really good friend for things like this. Gives you a good idea what the fines are for.

RE: Warning system - James - 2015-05-18 19:52

Careless = They are driving without due care and attention.

Dangerous = They could have caused a crash due to other road users around them and/or yourself.

When I copped (which was a long time ago lol), this was my yard stick.

There are the "bad eggs" amongst the [COP]s of course and there are plenty of those who actually care for the role they play on the server. [COP]ing can be an easy way to make a quick buck on the server which some players take advantage of which is a shame because the majority who do care about their role don't fine medium/high unless they feel it really is warranted. Such as a regular drifter who disregarded a warning or someone wrong siding into traffic who barely missed ramming someone which in my opinion deserves a high fine.

My suggestion is just don't give them a reason to chase you. Slow down/don't mess around if you think a [COP] is there that isnt truly "serious" about maintaining a friendly environment as a [COP] or if you have identified a COP who continually causes you trouble for high fining, like it was aptly put by Ash. Make a refund request and state that you find it unfair about their fining that has happened on more than one occasion. Also, make sure you have some evidence if you can.

I myself have felt the extremes that some what I would barely call "Cops" can do but these are merely a blemish on the otherwise perfect face of the [COP] service provided by those who care and this server.

RE: Warning system - Chuck - 2015-05-19 05:40

(2015-05-18 19:22)Minniyer Wrote:  ...or make it so when someone commits something for the first time you can only give them lowest fine, then next time they do it the medium then highest if they do it again, because sometimes i feel like a cow getting miled by cops...

Server Rules Wrote:4.9.1. Variable Fines

Some offences can be charged with variable fines (low/med/high). When selecting a variable fine, all of the following factors must be taken into consideration:
- Severity of the violation
- Duration of the violation
- Repetition of the violation

So, that case is actually covered pretty well. We don't need more rules if people just choose to ignore them anyway.
Problems with particular cops should be reported either in the forum or via !report command. It seems like hardly anyone uses the !report command anymore although it's a very powerful tool. If, for instance, 10 different people report that same cop for overfining or stalking people we have a good reason for a talk.
It doesn't take lengthy forum reports with hours of replays and dozens of timestamps. If people would start reporting misbehaviours more regularly we can find those bad apples and that's something we all would benefit from.

RE: Warning system - Stephen - 2015-05-19 05:59

Every cop that has chased me has fined me, I haven't been warned for anything on over a year.

It happens, people always want more money.

RE: Warning system - Barney - 2015-05-19 06:36

people want chases. no fine->no chase. i sometimes donate back when they have paid, also sometimes wont fine a drifter with popped tires as he wont run anyway.

problem with the !report feature is you dont get a recognizable feedback. feels like its being ignored. at least for me, so i never used it.

to the idea itself: imo no need. as stated the rules are clear. also it may be mentioned that the rule is rather new. i have noticed a clear drop of high fines since its been implemented. not finally satisfying yet, i agree, but we are getting there.

RE: Warning system - KooKoo - 2015-05-19 08:19

(2015-05-19 06:36)Barney Wrote:  problem with the !report feature is you dont get a recognizable feedback. feels like its being ignored. at least for me, so i never used it.

I don't want to sound rude but this is actually kind of true.

On topic:
You can ask for a refund if you feel your fine was unnecessary or against the rules such as giving you high fine immediately.

RE: Warning system - Connor - 2015-05-19 08:31

(2015-05-19 06:36)Barney Wrote:  problem with the !report feature is you dont get a recognizable feedback. feels like its being ignored. at least for me, so i never used it.

Which is why I use the reports on the forums anyway, especially for serious incidents.

I used to warn people a lot more when I first started copping but I've started minor fining people a little more now. I just think you should report them if they fine you in a ridiculous manner if that's clearly against the rules. It's in your right to report them then, and especially if they do it repeatedly.

RE: Warning system - Chuck - 2015-05-19 08:46

(2015-05-19 06:36)Barney Wrote:  problem with the !report feature is you dont get a recognizable feedback. feels like its being ignored. at least for me, so i never used it.

But that is wrong. Sure, you don't see any immediate response, that is not part of the mechanism as you don't have to provide any factual evidence. But it will turn into some sort of evidence if there's more people doing the same report.
Some things are basically impossible to be dealt with by a normal forum report, like in cases when the actual offence is minimal but the amount of people involved is significant. Like the tendency to over-fine or harass or stalk other players.
That can also be that one crash. One single crash doesn't seem very important and hardly warrants the efforts to make a forum report, but if there were 10 other people who complained about that same person for the same offence, that gives us a actual reason to react. Good example for that are those drift-crashers.

RE: Warning system - Barney - 2015-05-19 08:53

yes i totally agree, only said it feels like. its just one of those things noone thinks of. ppl just need to be reminded. will for sure use in future for minor incidents.

RE: Warning system - Dizzle - 2015-05-21 13:55

(2015-05-19 05:40)Chuck Wrote:  ...It seems like hardly anyone uses the !report command anymore although it's a very powerful tool. If, for instance, 10 different people report that same cop for overfining or stalking people we have a good reason for a talk.
It doesn't take lengthy forum reports with hours of replays and dozens of timestamps. If people would start reporting misbehaviours more regularly we can find those bad apples and that's something we all would benefit from.

Would it be possible to bring up the user list when typing !report as it does when you are sending a car to another user? !report *click user* *type report*

I find myself screwing up usernames often..

RE: Warning system - Dan - 2015-05-21 14:01

(2015-05-21 13:55)Dizzle Wrote:  
(2015-05-19 05:40)Chuck Wrote:  ...It seems like hardly anyone uses the !report command anymore although it's a very powerful tool. If, for instance, 10 different people report that same cop for overfining or stalking people we have a good reason for a talk.
It doesn't take lengthy forum reports with hours of replays and dozens of timestamps. If people would start reporting misbehaviours more regularly we can find those bad apples and that's something we all would benefit from.

Would it be possible to bring up the user list when typing !report as it does when you are sending a car to another user? !report *click user* *type report*

I find myself screwing up usernames often..

Find the user you intend to report in the connection list, hold CTRL and SHIFT, right click that username, press the home key on the keyboard, then type !report and a space. Bob's ya uncle.

RE: Warning system - Dizzle - 2015-05-21 18:03

(2015-05-21 14:01)Dan Wrote:  
(2015-05-21 13:55)Dizzle Wrote:  
(2015-05-19 05:40)Chuck Wrote:  ...It seems like hardly anyone uses the !report command anymore although it's a very powerful tool. If, for instance, 10 different people report that same cop for overfining or stalking people we have a good reason for a talk.
It doesn't take lengthy forum reports with hours of replays and dozens of timestamps. If people would start reporting misbehaviours more regularly we can find those bad apples and that's something we all would benefit from.

Would it be possible to bring up the user list when typing !report as it does when you are sending a car to another user? !report *click user* *type report*

I find myself screwing up usernames often..

Find the user you intend to report in the connection list, hold CTRL and SHIFT, right click that username, press the home key on the keyboard, then type !report and a space. Bob's ya uncle.

Until LFS strobe is active and it changes the color of my text and once I hit enter the insim doesnt take it and causes me to be frustrated. I then take that out on XFGs, XRGs, and my girlfriend by high fining/beating them to death...

Just kidding,

About the girlfriend....

I dont have one...