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+ Report: L3W1S5IMM0 (Report Archived by Luke) - Printable Version

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+ Report: L3W1S5IMM0 (Report Archived by Luke) - Adorable - 2015-05-22 15:57

Your LFS username: Racerss

Their LFS username(s): L3W1S5IMM0
Their in-game nickname(s): [G27] LEWIS

Main reason(s): Ramming on purpose when I was passing.

Replay and/or screenshot link: Click for the link
Replay timestamps: 15:55:0

Description of incident (inc date & time): I was passing, due to the fact I was being chased by COPs. I used my car's horn and he moved to the right, and in the process of passing, he steers to my car and almost caused me to loose the chase.

Best regards & Thanks for the time reviewing this.

Report: L3W1S5IMM0 - Luke - 2015-05-22 18:32

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

Looked at the replay and I see no reason for it not to be ram. He was driving just fine with minimal damage, then he just so happened to turn right into you. He had no loss of control at the time and his lack of communication with you regarding the incident indicates he has no care for what happened. Just a simple bind saying "sorry my fault" multiple times is not enough to explain that.

It's been a while however, he is known for these types of rams when it comes to suspects in a chase. His last warning was given instructing a ban if the offence is repeated, with it being an identical situation to what was described in the past he will receive a ban for breaching Rule 1.5 and 1.2.

User will receive a ban for his lack of respect for our rules.

Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.