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Taylor_Drift ([TOW] T_Drift) Unban Request (Unban Request Granted by Byran) - Printable Version

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Taylor_Drift ([TOW] T_Drift) Unban Request (Unban Request Granted by Byran) - Taylor_Drift - 2015-07-27 21:42

● Your LFS Username: Bay40k

● Time & Date of Incident: Approx. 3:27PM MDT, 27/7/2015

● Replay / Screenshot Link: http://www.megafileupload.com/dfJQ/Bay40k.mpr
● Replay Timestamps: 1:40:30 - Part 1 (watch in inside/interior view!!), 1:55:10 - Part 2

● Reasons as to why you feel you deserve an unban:

Alright so this is how it went.

Part 1
I was cruisin' down the highway (the straight). I see a guy, let's call him guy A, driving across to get to the other side, I keep driving because guy A can make it in time before there would be a possibility of me hitting him. What I didn't see, it behind guy A, there was [TC] Byron. I slammed on my brakes but it was too late. I hit in to byron. I profusely said sorry, but he did NOT seem happy about it. (So while guy A was crossing the highway, he was blocking the view of Byron, so I didn't see byron until guy A got out of the way)

Part 2
After a few laps of that, I come up to the straight again, when there's another guy (guy B) sitting in the middle of the road. I slow quite a bit down, slammed on my horn, and I accidentally tapped in to him a little bit. The tap rolled him over on accident, so me, being a TOW, put on my caution lights (he was in the middle of the road) and helped flip him over, then I carried on my way.

Byron saw that. He told me to pull over. So I came up to where I could pull over. He said he'd be banning me for that. Then BP chimes in and says it was mostly because how I hit byron. Then before I could even REGISTER any of this, I was banned. Really quickly. I was not able to get a replay because of that.

I'm really scared because it's a 5 day ban, and I need to make $10k so I can join the Gumball. I really really want to play in it.

RE: Taylor_Drift Unban Request - BP - 2015-07-27 21:45

There should have been a clear "SIREN" on your screen. If you had slowed down due to the sirens, you would never have hit Byran in the first place.

If you want a replay, it will be given to you.

I'll notify Byran of this ban.

The admin who placed the original ban has been notified and will reply shortly

RE: Taylor_Drift ([TOW] T_Drift) Unban Request - Taylor_Drift - 2015-07-27 21:49

Thanks, I would really like a replay.

RE: Taylor_Drift ([TOW] T_Drift) Unban Request - BP - 2015-07-27 22:03

Replay link: http://www.megafileupload.com/dfJQ/Bay40k.mpr
Relevant timestamps: 1:39:32 to 1:40:38.

Byran most certainly had the "SIREN" enabled.

Please bear in mind that InSim (e.g. "SIREN") won't show up on the replay.

RE: Taylor_Drift ([TOW] T_Drift) Unban Request - Taylor_Drift - 2015-07-27 22:31

I see now!! I was thinking Byron's Siren was the cop IN FRONT of Byron's siren! I didn't think he had his siren on, but he did. I'm sorry about that, he follows cops as a cop, and I think he's just going slow that's why I stay behind him. I didn't realize that his siren WAS on! Like I said, I thought it was just the cop's in front.

I updated my post to include the time stamp, you can watch how I didn't see byron behind the car crossing the highway (watch part 1 in INTERIOR view!)

ALSO as a side note, I thought the SIREN that I "ignored" was coming from a car further down the straight. (In part 1) As I DID NOT SEE byron! I didn't see he was there (the car crossing the road (guy A) was blocking my sight), so I thought the siren was from further down the track.

I'm very sorry, and I will promise to recognize Byron as a cop, and watch for his sirens! all I'm asking for is another chance! I want to join the gumball!

RE: Taylor_Drift ([TOW] T_Drift) Unban Request - Byran - 2015-07-28 04:19

Hi Taylor I read through your unban request and since your record is clean of ignoring sirens, I will let you off with a warning. Keep in mind this is your only warning, don't only watch for my sirens but watch for all sirens.
Also my name is Byran not Byron. Tongue
You shall be un banned shortly

Unban Request Granted.

You will be unbanned shortly.