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Server Unban please (Unban Request Denied by Bez) - Printable Version

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Server Unban please (Unban Request Denied by Bez) - alex-89 - 2015-08-17 17:51

● Your LFS Username: Alex-89

● Time & Date of Incident: Friday 14th July

● Replay / Screenshot Link: Do not have one.
● Replay Timestamps: Do not have one.

● Reasons as to why you feel you deserve an unban:
I can drive correctly, i know the rules, the only reason i was banned was because i hit a police car during a chase, don't think its ban worthy, please take it into consideration

Server Unban please - Olli - 2015-08-17 17:56

The admin who placed the original ban has been notified and will reply shortly

RE: Server Unban please - Bez - 2015-08-17 23:33

Hello Alex,

If I remember rightly I was having to babysit you and your friends while you were ramming each other and causing a lot of issues with people who didn't want to be included in your little ram fests.

You were banned for a week not long ago for ramming.. Yet you came back after that ban and continue to ram people.

Now the reason I banned you was because you were interfering with a chase. You were actively trying to block a cop by getting in his way and ramming him. After your first kick for ramming I hoped you would have calmed down but clearly not.

Do you have anything to say for yourself? Why must everyone put up with your misbehavior??

RE: Server Unban please - Bez - 2015-08-21 14:17

Denying ban due to inactivity.

Unban Request Denied