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Truck 'Full of Bodies' Found in Eastern Austria: Official - Printable Version

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Truck 'Full of Bodies' Found in Eastern Austria: Official - Jimmy - 2015-08-28 07:40


This guy who drove the truck is a moron

RE: Truck 'Full of Bodies' Found in Eastern Austria: Official - Olli - 2015-08-28 09:28

The already huge problem with refugees coming to Europe has escalated rapidly this year. This needs to be ended...

RE: Truck 'Full of Bodies' Found in Eastern Austria: Official - Jimmy - 2015-08-28 11:39

(2015-08-28 09:28)Olli Wrote:  The already huge problem with refugees coming to Europe has escalated rapidly this year. This needs to be ended...

Yep i agree

RE: Truck 'Full of Bodies' Found in Eastern Austria: Official - Leon - 2015-08-28 14:48

(2015-08-28 09:28)Olli Wrote:  The already huge problem with refugees coming to Europe has escalated rapidly this year. This needs to be ended...

You can't, really. If you say anything, you're labeled as a racist.

RE: Truck 'Full of Bodies' Found in Eastern Austria: Official - Toni - 2015-08-28 15:54

(2015-08-28 09:28)Olli Wrote:  The already huge problem with refugees coming to Europe has escalated rapidly this year. This needs to be ended...

IDC about the people coming in from foreign countries to Finland for example, if they could just do these things:

1. Get a damn job.
2. Learn to speak the language.
3. Obey the laws.
4. "When in Finland, do as the Finns do, or leave the country".

I´m not a racist, but if the people cant do these simple things, they can go back where they came from and stay there.

RE: Truck 'Full of Bodies' Found in Eastern Austria: Official - Barney - 2015-08-28 17:27

Usually i stay away from every discussion that gets only the lightest touch of politics cuz i might rage at all the nonsense ppl tend to write. just one note:

"I´m not a racist, but"

is currently in germany also one of the most common ways to begin a sentence by all the retarded racists and so called "patriots". they demonstrate together with those ppl who set refugee apartements on fire.
they are not only labeled racist, they ARE racist.

RE: Truck 'Full of Bodies' Found in Eastern Austria: Official - Tom - 2015-08-28 22:17

Administrator Message by: Ash

Content Removed - Infraction issued.

RE: Truck 'Full of Bodies' Found in Eastern Austria: Official - RedJohn - 2015-08-28 22:19

(2015-08-28 22:17)Tom Wrote:  
Administrator Message by: Ash

Content Removed.

What a *Removed*

RE: Truck 'Full of Bodies' Found in Eastern Austria: Official - Tom - 2015-08-28 22:21

Administrator Message by: Ash


RE: Truck 'Full of Bodies' Found in Eastern Austria: Official - KooKoo - 2015-08-28 23:27

I'm not standing on anyone's side here but, NATO and E.U. member states bombed Libya but failed to rebuild the country, that's why most refugees come from Libya.

RE: Truck 'Full of Bodies' Found in Eastern Austria: Official - Blade3562 - 2015-08-31 03:31

It's funny seeing other countries talking about immigration. We've had this issue with Mexico for decades. I agree if you come to a country seeking refuge please get a job learn the language and abide by laws. Don't come to a country seeking refuge and just screw the system/government set up to help its own countryman

RE: Truck 'Full of Bodies' Found in Eastern Austria: Official - Olli - 2015-08-31 11:10

The problem with refugees coming to the United States of America is a different thing as the social security is very minimal there. In Europe, especially in the Nordic Welfare States the situation is different. Not everyone, but sadly a large portion of refugees/immigrants just have $$$ in their minds. Some people just come over here to get advantage of our good social security, not giving shit about getting some sort of a job. Those refugees who actually try to get a job and adapt to the society are more than welcome. But those who just spend our moneys, NO!

RE: Truck 'Full of Bodies' Found in Eastern Austria: Official - Chuck - 2015-08-31 12:53

(2015-08-31 03:31)Blade3562 Wrote:  It's funny seeing other countries talking about immigration. We've had this issue with Mexico for decades. ...

There is one huge difference tho, Mexicans ain't Moslems.

(2015-08-28 14:48)Leon Wrote:  You can't, really. If you say anything, you're labeled as a racist.

That is the actual problem. Especially the media and politicians don't allow any opinion other than "let'em all in" and they will go harsh against anyone having a different opinion. On the paper we have something like Freedom of speech, but that looks a lot different in real life.
So it's not surprising that people go out and set houses on fire as they actually don't have any other valve, when their voices and opinions are suppressed all the time.
I'm not against giving shelter to people, but our politicians already talk about "integration" which is just another word for "permanent stay". From my own experience, we have enough of them. Germany has a tradition of failed "integration politics", over decades. The least actually integrated, the majority just lives in a parallel society who doesn't give a damn about the country they moved in to.
When I go for shopping for instance, there's often only one other person speaking German, that's the guy at the checkout.
I can't actually remember when our (the german) politicians did something for the people who elected them. They seem to care for anyone in the world but the people who put them in charge. Atm, I wish they had the guts as the British got.

RE: Truck 'Full of Bodies' Found in Eastern Austria: Official - Blade3562 - 2015-08-31 18:28

Not to get too far off topic or too touchy, but the issue in the U.S. is far higher in numbers. It also has to deal with the number or lazy Americans in the country expecting handouts for not doing anything. Heaven forbid you call someone out or you're a racist and then your town gets protested in national news lol. Everyone in my family that has moved to the U.S. from Europe has done so legally and followed the system and worked their butts off. The issue with the current Mexican immigration is they aren't working and are collecting unemployment and voting for those who give them more handouts. It's creating a welfare state and sucks. I worked several minimum wage jobs and paid my way through college yet so many people came into those places i worked and used their government assistance to buy junk food, alcohol, tobacco or order food to go. And if it was denied they would just trade food stamps and such for money from someone else.

RE: Truck 'Full of Bodies' Found in Eastern Austria: Official - Asas - 2015-08-31 20:46

I don't why European countries are too sensitive about it... They are only small numbers coming to Europe if you compare it to the number of refugees that have been to Turkey or Jordan. Jordan's original population WAS 7 Million, 3 Million syrian refugees came to this country, about 40%. And for your information, Jordan isn't a big country or wealthy one. And Turkey, has welcomed syrian refugees and gave them free services and find them jobs and built many many camps and gave them all the services they need (health, food, jobs..etc) without complaining.
Yet both of those countries are in war with ISIS.

And chuck, refugees that come to Europe aren't only from Syria, they come from some poor african countries and not all of them are muslims.. and if they were, did they sail to Europe using a small boat full of people (some of them die everyday) just to "blow up" Europe as you think??

RE: Truck 'Full of Bodies' Found in Eastern Austria: Official - Warped - 2015-09-01 07:34

(2015-08-31 20:46)Asas Wrote:  I don't why European countries are too sensitive about it.

Maybe because most of them are rapists, pickpockets, shoplifters, and so on.

RE: Truck 'Full of Bodies' Found in Eastern Austria: Official - Vang - 2015-09-01 09:47

(2015-09-01 07:34)Warped Wrote:  
(2015-08-31 20:46)Asas Wrote:  I don't why European countries are too sensitive about it.

Maybe because most of them are rapists, pickpockets, shoplifters, and so on.

Oh come on? You must be joking!

RE: Truck 'Full of Bodies' Found in Eastern Austria: Official - Warped - 2015-09-01 09:56

Exaggerating the word "most" at the most, but other than that, not really.

RE: Truck 'Full of Bodies' Found in Eastern Austria: Official - Asas - 2015-09-02 10:02

(2015-09-01 07:34)Warped Wrote:  Maybe because most of them are rapists, pickpockets, shoplifters, and so on.

I'm not sure if those are the reasons why they ended up dead in the back of the truck..

RE: Truck 'Full of Bodies' Found in Eastern Austria: Official - Jimmy - 2015-09-02 10:16

To little air probaly.