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+ Gal75 (Report Archived by Connor) - Printable Version

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+ Gal75 (Report Archived by Connor) - Titan - 2015-09-11 14:03

Your LFS username:CRC Titan2000

Their LFS username(s):Gal75
Their in-game nickname(s):‹Mestari› / [COP] KTM

Main reason(s):ww driving and fast change name and in the hope that I do not see it

Replay and/or screenshot link:https://www.dropbox.com/s/ade02g13k3y6hw2/ww%20driving.mpr?dl=0

Replay timestamps:
10:20.20 ww driving reason? + ram

Description of incident (inc date & time):11.09.2015 16:02 pm

RE: Gal75 - Gal75 - 2015-09-11 14:05

Fun thing is that i said sorry.
The other fun thing is that i started copping after i said sorry so there is no problem.

Your link is not even working.


there u can see im saying sorry Smile

RE: Gal75 - Titan - 2015-09-11 14:10

you better shh

your color is very poorly chosen and very hard to see
and prefer to write a reason for driving on the wrong side!!


next link for replay

RE: Gal75 - Gal75 - 2015-09-11 14:13

i done mistake, i wrongsided, I APOLOGIZED IT
so whats the problem? im driving there next time smarter.
there should be no problem, but u start always complaining for nothing.

And whats about my color, its because of i have black name too so it looks nice

RE: Gal75 - Titan - 2015-09-11 14:19

looks nice? a matter of taste..
you say rather make a report^^and you did not say you had already apologized

"but u start always complaining for nothing." think that your behavior has forced me to write a report!

next time just write that you're sorry Did not make a report!

RE: Gal75 - Gal75 - 2015-09-11 14:26

well i came to drive there, not fight with u all the time. u always complain, and then u complain for ignoring you.. pls
i told u that i said sorry, wait sec for ss.

nope, i didnt told just thought i told, my mistake.

but i really feel like little kid fighting for nothing, im here spending my driving time for fighting nothing. as i said, i came to drive, not fight. i said sorry, and i dont always have power after 8-4 school days to fight with u that did i say sorry or not.

and please, when u want to communicate with me, say my name, it sounds better than "heeeeeeeeeey nub"

RE: Gal75 - Titan - 2015-09-11 16:27


do you feel because of being attacked? nub is not equal noob!

the kid stuff would not be able to come if you had just told me I have yet apologized!

and now Stop the shit the admins decide the neutral!

thanks for your answer

RE: Gal75 - BP - 2015-09-11 16:58

Awaiting an admin. Thread will be locked (and may be unlocked under discretion of the admin who deals with it).

Gal75 - Connor - 2015-09-11 19:45

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

RE: Gal75 - Connor - 2015-09-11 20:58

I don't see why you were driving so recklessly, driving through a load of parked cars on the grass on the wrong side. You caused an avoidable collision because you were driving on the wrongside for no reason. Keep your reckless driving to a minimum please, it'll get you banned again one day.

Gal75 will receive a confirmable in-game warning for causing a collision by driving on the wrongside.

Cheers for the report.

Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.