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- Report: Ixion-Mufflurd (Archived by Olli) - Printable Version

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- Report: Ixion-Mufflurd (Archived by Olli) - Adorable - 2015-10-08 12:08

Your LFS username: Racerss

Their LFS username(s): mufflord
Their in-game nickname(s): ixion-Mufflurd

Main reason(s): Ramming by steering toward my car while the need of going fast to catchup with a road-law breaker

Replay and/or screenshot link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/n09dzr3wb6i48op
Replay timestamps: 33:35:0

Description of incident (inc date & time): Greetings,

I noticed that TV*Renegades was wrong siding while entering the bridge, I turned on flashing lights & Siren, and was passing, while he decided to accelerate with me & steer toward my car as this screenshot will show you : (note his throttle & wheel control )

[Image: lfs_00000147.jpg]

[Image: lfs_00000148.jpg]

[Image: lfs_00000149.jpg]

That Led to a minor contact between my car & his own, but this report is based on the fact that he didn't apologize and his poor attitude after the incident.

He also used his car horn even though its not my fault. and after hat you can generally see a poor reaction from his side by commenting at every movement I do, (eg : setting a speed trap & such)

You're free to check the chat logs.

Incident took place yesterday @ 20:05 UTC +1

Best regards & Thanks in advance for your time looking into this.

RE: Report: Ixion-Mufflurd - Mufflord - 2015-10-08 14:00

I don't think i ever mentioned your speed trap or anything you did lol... The others did that. I wouldn't call that small nudge a ram either, stop being so whiny... A ram is when you deliberately hit someones car and they sustain damage (for the most part). Your attitude wasn't great either, you messaged me saying "don't ram" or something in those manners. I responded something like " i was simply driving straight" and that you overtook like a dong which i still stand for, and OFC you started saying you will report me. + That was far from the best place to overtake you even started in the 90 degree turn.

Just reporting for something stupid shit like this is IMO just a waist of time for everyone. I will apologize for my attitude after the incident, i could've handled some things better. I'm just very fed up with you constantly arguing and reporting EVERYONE FOR ANYTHING. It is starting to get pretty old.

EDIT: I was on mouse as well... Which most of you know i never drive with. Not a valid excuse for anything but might explain my ball sack driving in general, I never rammed anyone intentionally or whatever.

RE: Report: Ixion-Mufflurd - Adorable - 2015-10-08 14:04

Ram me = Say sorry, that's all.

It's clear that It was on purpose. You just wanted to block me when I was overtaking, explained by you using your car horn, lol.

Report: Ixion-Mufflurd - Olli - 2015-10-08 14:05

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

RE: Report: Ixion-Mufflurd - Adorable - 2015-10-09 13:36

Replay time stamp : 1 hr & 35 seconds
Replay link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/khi2sxzjs5rzt77

Description: I had to apply full brake since a wrong sider was facing my side.

Everyone knows that All cars behind are responsible for keeping enough distances to the cars ahead in case of emergency brakes.

He went into the rear of my car, and yet refused to apologize again, add to that his poor communication when I was trying to talk to him, and changing the subject to things like : AD is all in all is a kid, bad behaviour, you fined that person atleast 3 times in the same position (which i didn't and know the rules & how to play as COP much more better than him)

Screenshot: (refusing to apologize)

[Image: 2015_10_09_14_17_40_506.jpg]

Best regards and please don't tell me that you was on mouse this time too so you failed to brake :
Mufflord Wrote:EDIT: I was on mouse as well... Which most of you know i never drive with.

RE: Report: Ixion-Mufflurd - Mufflord - 2015-10-09 13:57

You are still funny though. TO THE POINT!!.....
Yes. There was a wrongsider, i was accelerating and you slammed on your brakes not to hit him. So did i when i saw you braking, i dont expect someone to brake there. which is why AS I SAID i feel it wasn't my fault. But more Alex's fault for wrongsiding like he did.

Your attitude is horrendous aswell.
As you can see here, your attitude when i simply asked if you meant that i was supposed to say sorry wasn't great at all. "my grandma. yes you".

You did fine some guy 3 times for the same offence, and at least 2 times at the same spot. You can check the replay Im supplying as well. Anyhow, when that happened i told you that you cant fine someone for the same offence twice ( 4.6 parking: Cops are not allowed to fine other users for improper parking immediately. The cop must first ask the driver to move along. If a user fails to respond or move, a parking fine may issued once.) and you replied to me with this:
I wouldn't deem that as a very mature answer... You should really start thinking over your own behavior before you start bitching at others.

Replay: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tm9nvjfpve1qnu1/Mr.AD%20being.%20AD....mpr?dl=0

Time stamps: 12:05.00 first argument about the fine.
24:35.00 argument and crash at the roundabout.

lol you cop better than me

Administrator Message by: Bez

You images seem to be broken

RE: Report: Ixion-Mufflurd - Adorable - 2015-10-09 14:04

http://www.city-driving.co.uk/statistics/ click on Last tickets

My god, atleast 2 times? I fined him twice (count them in the screenshot.), once when he was parked @AB, and once when he was @RB.

[Image: Mufflord_changing_subjects.png]

This is what you're doing right now, you're commenting on every single movement done by me and trying to get rid me exactly what happened like 2 months ago with another user.

RE: Report: Ixion-Mufflurd - Mufflord - 2015-10-09 14:07

I saw that other fine thing, where you fine someone using insim command i believe. I saw him being fined 3 times and twice within 30 seconds of eachother. Olli please check the logs and confirm.

i like how you are saying the stuff to me now which I've already told you Tongue For example, that im doing everything to get rid of you. I never did anything to get rid of you. After all you are the one who has reported me TWICE IN 24 HOURS??!?!?!??!? I think it's the opposite. You are mad for some reason and just want to get me banned. Today when i told you about the frigging fine. I NEVER reported you for it, I simply just told you about it. And you go complete apeshit on me.

RE: Report: Ixion-Mufflurd - Ash - 2015-10-09 14:08

Would you guys mind if you just wait for Olli to continue through this report before you continue your debate? Smile


RE: Report: Ixion-Mufflurd - Adorable - 2015-10-09 14:09

(2015-10-09 14:08)Ash Wrote:  Would you guys mind if you just wait for Olli to continue through this report before you continue your debate? Smile


I just added another timestamp but he cant stop trying to flame stuffs

RE: Report: Ixion-Mufflurd - Mufflord - 2015-10-09 14:12


Administrator Message by: Ash

Warning level increased for pointlessly posting

RE: Report: Ixion-Mufflurd - Olli - 2015-10-09 14:52


RE: Report: Ixion-Mufflurd - Olli - 2015-10-09 17:23

(2015-10-08 12:08)Mr.AD Wrote:  Ramming by steering toward my car while the need of going fast to catchup with a road-law breaker

That was literally just an extremely small and gentle nudge between you two. If we were to consider similar hits as rams, there wouldn't be anyone playing on our servers since each and everyone's name would be listed on the ban list.

(2015-10-08 12:08)Mr.AD Wrote:  I noticed that TV*Renegades was wrong siding while entering the bridge, I turned on flashing lights & Siren, and was passing, while he decided to accelerate with me & steer toward my car as this screenshot will show you : (note his throttle & wheel control )

Technically Mufflord did nothing wrong here. It was your fault for dangerously attempting an overtake. Whilst you two were driving side-by-side, you, as a cop hadn't yet initiated a chase. Therefore, Mufflord wasn't meant to give you way and during those few seconds he couldn't have done so. There was a second hit between you two, which took place just seconds before the aforementioned one. Of course, you forgot to mention this one. Speaking of the earlier hit, you, in fact, are to be blamed for that one. You cut Mufflord off on the previous curve. This can be seen from the following GIF. You were partly using your own and his lane. In an overtaking situation. You should stay on the opposite lane as long as there's enough space to move back on the right side of the road.

[Image: SardonicVictoriousDogfish.gif]

2015-10-07 20:07:02 UTC    One (Kyoto)    racerss    Mr.AD™ [COP] : !chase
2015-10-07 20:06:58 UTC    One (Kyoto) You began to overtake Mufflord.

There were four seconds in between.

Mufflord Wrote:Just reporting for something stupid shit like this is IMO just a waist of time for everyone.

I've got to agree with this. The question that arises in my mind is that, why do you spend everyone's time on as petty reports as this one? Don't you want to spend your free time on doing something fun rather than creating an endless amount of reports? I've got better things to do.

(2015-10-08 12:08)Mr.AD Wrote:  Everyone knows that All cars behind are responsible for keeping enough distances to the cars ahead in case of emergency brakes.

To be honest, no one brakes on that part of the track. Alex, the wrong side, didn't impose an immediate threat to you since he was driving as far right as possible to avoid a collision. You two weren't on a collision course since both of you steered to the opposite directions. You having to apply "full brakes" sounds suspicious, but I haven't got any proof against the fact that you might've deliberately overreacted on this scene and brake checked Mufflord so that he would hit you. Which did happen? If you want to find out who's guilty of what happened, Alex is out there waiting for you.

This whole thread looks like a big flop. Since you both did something wrong, I won't take any action against either party. These "petty reports" are unfortunately too common nowadays. No one likes them. What comes to your attitudes, they belong to kindergartens, not here. Mr.AD, especially, if I were you, I wouldn't start to pinpoint at others attitudes when your own needs some fixing as well.

2015-10-09 13:03:29 UTC    One (Kyoto)    racerss    Mr.AD™ [COP] : a rammer gonna teach me how to OCP

If your copping is top notch, why was I able to spot you wrong siding on the Autobahn whilst looking through the links I've been given in this thread? I'll let it slip through this time round. But, be careful, you're already on thin ice. If I see you doing this again, there will be consequences. What I'm trying to prove here is that you aren't any better than anyone else here. So please stop acting as if you were. Guys, please try to get along with each other. Smile

No action has been taken for reasons described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.