[TC] Gaming Forums
+ WsD~Rustic(weitz1991) (Report Archived by Nick) - Printable Version

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+ WsD~Rustic(weitz1991) (Report Archived by Nick) - Barney - 2015-11-05 10:23

Your LFS username: smirkysmoke

Their LFS username(s): weitz1991
Their in-game nickname(s): ™WsD~Rustic

Main reason(s): ignoring sirens, failure to apologize

Replay and/or screenshot link: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=02956901367495585834
Replay timestamps:
2:00 ignoring sirens
8:55 failure to apologize
12:20-13:00 failure to move for sirens(!move given)
13:00 failure to apologize for crashing a COP with sirens

Description of incident (05.11. - 10:06):
total ignorance to everything.

WsD~Rustic(weitz1991) - Nick - 2015-11-06 20:08

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

RE: WsD~Rustic(weitz1991) - Nick - 2015-11-06 21:07

Hi Barney

2:00 - Indeed, he got too close to the chase here, however his attempts to brake lead me to believe he did at least try to avoid any collision.

8:55 - While there was no verbal apology, the user did type "!sorry" so perhaps he feels this can replace a normal apology.

12:20 > 13:00 - Yeah, this was unacceptable. The chase was behind for a while, however he then speeds off and does a 360 spin into your car, without apologising.

This user will receive a warning for failing to move for sirens and not apologising after causing crashes. Thanks for your report.

Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.