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Unban Please (Unban Request Denied by Dracula) - Printable Version

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Unban Please (Unban Request Denied by Dracula) - laoziii - 2015-11-22 23:27

● Your LFS Username:Anseth

● Time & Date of Incident 2014-09-14 13:59:42 and 2015-09-07 04:36:50

● Replay / Screenshot Link:
● Replay Timestamps:

● Reasons as to why you feel you deserve an unban: I'm new to Live for Speed, and my Live for Speed account was given to me from a friend from another country. I asked a guy from a twitch stream to help, and he said that I was been banned because you were mistaken that this is a stolen account.

RE: Unban Please - Renegade - 2015-11-22 23:38

I was the one from the stream, tried to help Smile

[Image: QR1Ml0q.png]

I know I shouldn't post inside Server Administration Tasks, but I just wanted to add context.

RE: Unban Please - Olli - 2015-11-23 05:07

The account Anseth had already been permanently banned for money abuse.

RE: Unban Please - Connor - 2015-11-23 09:10

Following from what Olli said, accounts are rarely unbanned for a second money abuse ban. The account you bought (which you should have checked the history of) has already been permanently banned for money abuse twice.

This ban will be looked into by Management due to it being a second-offence permanent ban. Please be patient with us.

Your ban is currently being investigated by CityDriving management. We will reply shortly...

RE: Unban Please - Dracula - 2015-11-26 10:14


The account 'Anseth' has been permanently banned three times, and only unbanned twice now due to Money Abuse, and the history on the account in question is abysmal.
It is very rare that an account is unbanned more than once for this issue, let alone three times.

Although you didn't technically break said restrictions yourself, we operate under a "Your Account, Your Responsibility" clause, making whether or not you did irrelevant to the situation.
Seeing that you allegedly own this account now, the history that is associated with it is also now yours.

Not only are there the above issues, there are inconsistencies over the ownership of the account in general, which cast doubt to whether or not the account should be unbanned again.

Due to the above reasons, this unban request will be denied.

Unban Request Denied