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C++ problem I'm having - Printable Version

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C++ problem I'm having - kxait - 2015-12-19 14:57

so today i tried c++ sfml today, and i made a window class. i made a pointer to a new sfml window to a m_window object, intellisense reports fine but when i try the code, this shit happens:
[Image: wKN1KDS.jpg]

the code:
[Image: rA4Wt3u.jpg]

[Image: qpkE1R5.jpg]

the code in red brackets is what the debugger tells me there is an error
any clues?

EDIT: Fixed it. Had to remove the type declarator before m_window in the constructor, that fixed it. inb4 the lock

RE: C++ problem I'm having - Connor - 2015-12-19 17:11

Moved to correct location. Glad you solved your problem. Smile