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LFS S3 - Printable Version

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LFS S3 - Pete - 2015-12-19 19:04

Yes, it's here.

Rockingham is the only S3 content at the moment but you can purchase your S3 license from http://lfs.net/shop

The patch also includes the new reflections and VR support from the J5 test patch.


We need to update our dedicated server version in order for you to connect from S3. Once this happens we'll let you know.



RE: LFS S3 - Elmo - 2015-12-19 19:49

[TC] CityDriving Two is now online for those who have upgraded to 0.6K.

[TC] Events currently has Rockingham loaded in open config for those with S3 to explore.

RE: LFS S3 - Elmo - 2015-12-19 22:57

To clarify:

S3 users can connect to S2/S1/Demo servers, provided the server has (at least) LFS version 0.6K. This is the same as any previous incompatible patch.

[TC] CityDriving Two is already running 0.6k, but with S2 content. Players who have already updated to the K patch can freely join.

[TC] CityDriving One will be updating to 0.6K soon, probably tonight, so please do update your LFS. You do not need to upgrade to S3 if you don't want to.

[TC] CityDriving will be running S2 content on at least 1 server for the foreseeable future. We will have at least one S3 server once we have a layout and the InSim somewhat ready.

RE: LFS S3 - Elmo - 2015-12-20 16:33

All [TC] servers are now running 0.6K.