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Unban Request (Unban Request Denied by Bez) - Printable Version

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Unban Request (Unban Request Denied by Bez) - Giorgi Tevzadze - 2016-01-12 15:57

Your LFS Username: Rynno666

● Time & Date of Incident Over month ago

● Replay / Screenshot Link:
● Replay Timestamps:

● Reasons as to why you feel you deserve an unban:

I was make unbal apeal before but i was late write more there and admins close it. i was get 2 months ban what admin put 1 month. Like i say before i admit my mistake and in future i am more careful with other drivers and when police chase me ill try to be my line. I admint my heavy gas driving and was my bad make accident . I make this appeal now to get my 2 months ban 1 month what is over soon when its 1 month.
I know and understand what admins say to me and now i make new appeal to get it 1 month like admins who put ban 2 months say i get 1 month when i say sry again . Sry my english i hope u understand what i m talking

RE: Unban Request - Bez - 2016-01-12 16:08

You cannot post another unban request as it was already denied by Connor due to your inactivity.

You can continue with your unban appeal which is still active here:


Please remember to read through this if you wish to continue with the appeal as it holds terms:


Unban Request Denied