[TC] Gaming Forums
Unban please! (Unban Request Granted by Bez) - Printable Version

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Unban please! (Unban Request Granted by Bez) - Puliukko [FIN] - 2016-01-12 20:01

● Your LFS Username: iiro reijonen

● Time & Date of Incident: 2016-01-11 16:45:49

● Replay / Screenshot Link:-
● Replay Timestamps:-

● Reasons as to why you feel you deserve an unban: it was my stupid idea to glitching in TC and im very sorry about my bad driving. But its my fail. And im not gonna try it again NEVER in TC. Please can you smaller my ban..... year is too long ban time. i cant be long time without TC. help me please. ITS NEVER REPLY AGAIN I PROMISE.
Sorry about my worse english

Status: Administrator Notified. Updated by: Brad. - Brad - 2016-01-12 20:22

The admin who issued the original ban has been notified and will reply shortly.

RE: Unban please! - Bez - 2016-01-13 07:57

Hello Puliukko,

I'm going to unban you for being honest with me. I'm sure you have learned your lesson. If this does occur again in the future do not expect to unbanned again. We take people exploiting glitches very seriously.

Unban Request Granted.

You will be unbanned shortly.