[TC] Gaming Forums
- Report: JosTheBoss! (Archived by Connor) - Printable Version

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- Report: JosTheBoss! (Archived by Connor) - Zero - 2016-02-03 19:20

Your LFS username:
Their LFS username(s):
Their in-game nickname(s):
Main reason(s):
Failing to apology after an accident
Disrespect another player.
Replay and/or screenshot link:
Replay timestamps:
Description of incident (inc date & time):
2:51 (crash)
He/she decided to park at a quite dangerous place, that when I lost control I ended up crashing into Michelle's car. It wouldn't have happened if he/she didn't park on a dangerous place. Also failed to apology.'

Edit: Michelle as well called me a "nerd" for this report, just quite immature behavior tbh.

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Connor. - Connor - 2016-02-03 22:47

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

Michelle may have been parked on the side of the road, but if you are careful round that corner, then you can easily avoid cars parked there. You, however, went straight through there at full speed, being careless in the process. You are both at fault here for being parked rather carelessly and your own careless driving that caused you to hit Michelle.

This was not a reportable offence and Michelle had nothing to apologise for. I suggest you think before you report, it might actually get you into trouble instead.

Cheers for the report.

No action has been taken for reasons described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.